Capillaries that are visible beneath the skin’s surface can appear as purple or red clusters of circulatory tissue; broken capillaries can appear similar to the “spider veins” that may develop in the lower legs. These bulging or clustered blood vessels can make the penis seem unattractive and unhealthy, which can have a negative effect on a man’s self-esteem and make him feel self-conscious about showing himself during an intimate encounter.
What Causes Broken Capillaries?
Broken blood vessels on the penis can be the result of a minor penis injury or friction that caused a bit of trauma to the skin. The skin on the penis is very delicate and thus subject to abrasions from rough or aggressive sexual activity.
Sometimes erectile dysfunction can also occur due to penile capillaries becoming damaged. This usually is not seen on the surface of the skin. Over time, extensive damage to penile capillaries can lead to difficulties in achieving strong erections. Therefore, it is important to ensure the health of the circulatory tissue that feeds the erectile chambers, as well as those that are visible through the skin.
Treatment and Prevention
Reducing the appearance of visible penile capillaries depends on the severity of the problem. A dermatologist may be able to provide various treatment options, including creams or laser treatments.
Taking it slow and easy may help to prevent burst capillaries that may result from intense rubbing. In addition, certain nutrients are indicated for maintaining healthy circulatory tissue and helping it to heal from minor injuries:
- Vitamin D – Vitamin D is highly effective in fighting off diseases and also ensuring that the penile capillaries work at their peak.
- L-Arginine – This enzyme helps the penile blood vessels and capillaries by enabling oxygenation of the penile tissue. When the cells receive appropriate amounts of oxygen, this prevents capillaries from becoming damaged or bulging through the surface of the skin.
- Vitamin C – This nutrient is well-known for its many health benefits; in the case of penile capillaries, vitamin C works to support healthy circulatory tissue and rebuild it when it sustains damage.
Penile Cream for Broken Capillaries on the Penis
While these nutrients can be found in certain foods, as well as oral supplements, this is not always enough to ensure that those vitamins are available to the penile tissue. Using a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can ensure that vital nutrients and moisturizers are delivered directly to the penis skin, where they can do the most good.