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Sex Drive and Weight Gain – Coping with a Heavy Problem

Unwanted weight gain is hard enough on the ego; does it really have to kill the sex drive, too?  In this article, guest author and sex therapist Victoria Johnson discusses both the physical and psychological repercussions related to sex that can result from sudden weight gain.

In my practice, it is common to hear from clients who have concerns about low sex drive – and these aren’t just older men who are experiencing diminished testosterone levels. For instance, here is a comment from a client, whom we will call “Charles”:

“I feel like my sex drive is at an all-time low; I’ve also put on a lot of weight since my wife got pregnant – kind of an empathy thing, I guess.  Do you think the weight gain is related?”

For men like “Charles,” the answer is absolutely! Men who are carrying a little – or a lot – of extra abdominal fat are at an increased risk of certain health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure; all of these are linked to reduced libido, as well as problems with erectile function. Men who suspect that any of these issues may be a factor should make it a point to see a doctor to determine the exact source of the problem and to work on an appropriate treatment plan. Treatment may involve medical interventions, as well as weight loss and other lifestyle changes to help get the problem under control.

Another thing that should never be discounted is the psychological impact of an increase in body weight.  Men who have always considered themselves as physically fit, or at least in OK shape, may develop self-esteem or body image issues; they may even worry that their partners are no longer  sexually attracted to them, or that they will be unable to attract partners in the future.

This can really play into a guy’s emotional state, making sex seem like less of a possibility and even making it less enjoyable; as a result, the desire to engage in physical relations may also diminish. Therefore, if a visit to a doctor doesn’t uncover a physiological problem, it’s a good idea to talk to a therapist who can help uncover the source of the problem and suggest strategies for increasing a man’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

And don’t forget – maintaining a healthy, responsive penis is a also an important aspect of self-confidence and self-care. Adding a daily application of a quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with man-friendly vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants can help improve the look and feel of the manhood, making sex more enjoyable for all involved.




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