The penis is a tremendous source of erotic pleasure for most men, and the tactile sensations it is capable of experiencing are vital to the overall sexual experience. However, not all parts of the manhood are created equal when it comes to penis sensation. Getting to know the most sensitive parts and how to stimulate them can greatly enhance a man’s pleasure. On the other hand, when loss of penile sensitivity – a common issue – gets in the way of sensual enjoyment, the right approach to penis care can help.
So what are the most sensitive parts of the penis?
1) The glans (head): For many men, the number one spot for pleasurable sensation is the head, which is rich in erogenous tissue. This area can be highly stimulated with rapid strokes and a gentle touch.
2) The rim: The edges of the head are also highly sensitive, and again, they respond well to quick, light strokes.
3) The frenulum: This little band of flesh (sometimes referred to fondly as the “banjo string”) sits right behind the head. In uncircumcised men, it connects the foreskin to the shaft of the penis. The nerve endings in this area are highly concentrated, so stroking it can provide enormous pleasure.
4) The underside of the penis: The end of the penis is much more obviously receptive to sensation, so the soft underside is often neglected. However, exerting firm pressure in this area has been compared to stimulating the G-spot in women.
What happens when the penis loses sensitivity?
According to research, at least 87% of men report some loss of penis sensation; this reduced sensitivity is not just restricted to older men, but can occur even in males in their late teens and early twenties. Given the importance of sensation to sexual pleasure, and therefore a man’s overall quality of life, this can be a devastating problem.
The reasons for lost sensation are complex and depend on various individual factors, but some of the causes include underlying illness (diabetes is a common culprit); reduced circulation (due to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle or even riding a bicycle); or skin that has become dull, dry and callused from “overuse.”
Fortunately, a little TLC can go a long way toward boosting sensation, or even preventing sensitivity loss in the first place. Some of the things that all men can do to optimize penile sensitivity include the following:
– Avoid tight-fitting clothing – jeans or undergarments that are tight and restrictive can greatly reduce the flow of blood to the area, which can diminish sensation over time.
– Get moving – regular physical activity keeps the blood moving, meaning that the sensory cells are well-nourished and responsive. Even men who don’t make regular trips to the gym a priority can benefit just from getting up from the desk (or couch) every so often and moving around, rather than spending hours every day sitting in one place.
– Try different techniques – guys often stick to just a few tried and true techniques for manual stroking, and couples often develop a certain repertoire that seems to work every time, or just feels comfortable. Over time, the sensory cells become “bored” with the same range of sensations and may no longer transmit signals of pleasure. It can take some experimentation to find other ways of achieving pleasure, but it can be very effective for many men. Different angles, different grips – even using a different hand – can open up a new range of sensations.
– Use a lube – dry sex and masturbation can toughen the outer layers of skin, leaving the penis less able to respond to pleasurable touch. Using a personal lubricant during all types of intimate activity can minimize the sensation lost as a result of dryness and thickening of the penile skin.
– Try a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A moisturizing and nourishing formula that targets the penile tissue with skin- and nerve-friendly vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and skin-softening agents can be highly effective in restoring lost sensation. Men who have diminished sensitivity due to issues like rough handling, or even diabetic neuropathy, have reported improvements with use of a quality product.