As hard as a man can be on his package, it should come as no surprise when the equipment in question turns up red, sore and inflamed from time to time. Yet every time it happens, guys tend to panic, terrified that they have contracted a horrible disease. And while some level of concern is warranted, in most cases, the problem is fairly simple. A red penis can be caused by a number of common problems that may result in discomfort and worry, but are easily treated at home. Some of the more typical issues that men may encounter are described here, as well as the penis care measures required to treat them. Readers should keep in mind, though, that self-diagnosis of any medical issue is never a good idea, and it is always important to get the opinion of a doctor before attempting any treatment.
Balanitis. In spite of the intimidating name, this condition – while painful – is not serious and can be treated at home. It refers simply to foreskin that is red and swollen; men may also develop red, shiny penis skin on the glans or shaft. Men may also experience itching, burning during urination and a yellowish discharge. Balanitis is typically caused by substandard hygiene practices, and keeping the area clean is recommended for both treatment and prevention.
Dermatitis. Men who have skin allergies or who come in contact with environmental irritants may develop redness, a rash and itchy patches that are characteristic of dermatitis. While it can be extremely uncomfortable, it can generally be treated easily by cleansing the area, avoiding contact with the irritant and, in some cases, applying a hydrocortisone cream to the affected area.
Red Penis. Yes, there is a condition known simply as “red penis,” and it generally occurs after a man has had a little too much fun with his bad self – although it can also be caused by overly enthusiastic partner activity. The skin may be warm and sore to the touch, and it may appear red and even swollen. These symptoms can last for hours or, in some cases, even days after the precipitating event. No special treatment is required; generally, pain management and taking a break from the action for several days should take care of the problem.
The following are some additional penis care steps men can take to deal with a red member:
Apply cool compresses. This means nothing more than wetting a washcloth or towel with cool water and applying it to the affected area, and it can provide immediate and welcome relief for burning, itching and soreness. Note that ice and frozen gel packs should NOT be used for this purpose, and they should certainly never be applied directly to bare skin; this can result in frostbite and add a new level of pain to the existing problem.
- Try an oatmeal bath. Throwing a few handfuls of raw oats into warm – not hot – water and soaking for 20 minutes or so can be a good way to relieve the itch and burn associated with common problems like contact dermatitis and poison ivy.
- Hang loose. If possible, spend time in the buff, preferably in the comfort and privacy of home. Allowing stressed skin some breathing room can relieve the discomfort from chafing injuries and skin infections while allowing the tissue time to heal. Barring the opportunity to hang out at home au naturel, the next-best option is to choose loose-fitting trousers and breathable, supportive undergarments (think tighty whities, but not too tight).
Moisturize and nourish. Damaged skin can feel dry, tight and stretched, and it may even tend to flake and peel. Dehydrated skin needs moisture to heal. Applying a vitamin-rich penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is formulated with hydrating ingredients such as vitamin E can soothe and calm the skin while providing the right blend of nutrients needed for rapid healing and support. Look for creams made with Shea butter, which is generally safe even for sensitive skin.