Penis irritation can manifest in a variety of ways. A man may notice his tip is raw and red; if he has foreskin, he may see cracks in it; he may find what looks like a splotch or callus on his shaft. These symptoms may indicate a number of things, including infections, which is why a man should be diagnosed if he has any doubts about the source of his irritation. Sometimes, that source is a man’s masturbation technique. As a component of proper penile care, men should learn how to avoid a sore, dry penis from pleasuring themselves. The following techniques may be to blame.
1) Dry rub: Many men have adopted the habit of cranking away without the assistance of lubricant. This may be a simple matter of not having any around, but some guys prefer to feel the direct friction of their hands on their members. They must understand that this will likely bring about irritation to the delicate skin, as the friction of an intense solo session is bound to leave it raw.
When investing in a lubricant, guys are best off purchasing a product made for this purpose. They should note that tempting ingredients like warming or cooling agents may lead to irritation. Also, if purchasing a lube to use during partner sex as well, it’s best to avoid oil-based products, as these can wear down latex and therefore render the most common type of condom ineffective. A man should read labels to make sure he knows when not to use certain products.
2) Using soap/shampoo/hand lotion: Some guys have no problem using lube, but they neglect to consider that not every slippery substance is fit for the job. Many a man has experienced the error of his ways in the form of a peeling, irritated penis. Ingredients in soaps, shampoos and body lotions are often far too harsh for the penis, and soaps and shampoos in particular can dry the member out.
If a man must use something around the house, make sure it’s natural and free of chemicals and fragrances. Cocoa butter and coconut oil are good options for solo play.
3) Death grip: When running hot, it’s all too easy for a man to go overboard on the squeeze factor. Even a one-time go with the death grip can cause notable irritation that takes some time to heal; habitually employing this technique can, over time, cause the skin to toughen, deadening sensation.
For guys who love the stranglehold, easing up may not feel so good at first. But they can take this opportunity to explore new and exciting masturbation methods. Try, for example, focusing on the base; this part of the penis is very sensitive on some men, but doesn’t habitually receive much play. Guys can also experiment with edging, the practice of bringing oneself to the brink of release, then easing up and repeating three or four times before allowing the big finish. Another fun idea is to lube up a palm and rub the tip of the penis against it until orgasm.
Aside from using appropriate lube while masturbating and avoiding the death grip, guys can reduce the likelihood of experiencing penis irritation by attending to their overall skin condition on a daily basis. Making use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) after showering can fortify the skin, making it more resilient to the frictions it encounters. Shea butter and vitamin E are two natural moisturizers that work together to tag team dry skin and soothe irritation. Together with safe masturbation practices, such a skin care product can restore the skin to peak condition and keep it there.