Even if masturbation is an activity in which a man engages only occasionally, he may still want to experiment with methods beyond the bare hand in order to obtain a happy penis during this personal playtime. There’s no doubt that the hand provides great pleasure, but opting for a texture beyond bare skin can be invigorating. Assuming the man in question has been regularly practicing appropriate penis care and therefore is not experiencing a high degree of penis de-sensitization, there are a number of options he might wish to consider beyond the tight grip of his fist.
The old reliable
Often a man decides he wants to try something different after he has already begun stroking with his palm. If he is lying in his bed, the easiest option is to go with something right at hand: the bedsheets. It’s quite simple to just reach over and wrap a portion of the sheet around the erect penis and continue masturbating away. Alternatively, one can turn face down on the bed and buck the hips back and forth, simulating intercourse on top of the sheet. Either method provides an enjoyable change of pace.
The other old reliable
Socks are a popular option for wiping off ejaculate, especially when one masturbates just before going to sleep. But if the sock is properly soft, it can provide masturbatory pleasure when a man wraps it around his tumescent member for some stroking variation. Of course, the sock needs to be clean – and men with athlete’s foot should avoid this method.
One’s underwear
Another fine alternative to bare hand stroking is to use one’s own underwear. Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs – it doesn’t matter. Many men enjoy the sensation of ejaculating in their underwear and many decide to keep wearing it after the masturbation session is over. While this is an option, those who do this should still put on clean underwear soon and should clean the penis as well; otherwise, it may create an unwanted degree of penis odor.
Silk scarves
Few things feel as sensual or as soft as silk. A silk scarf can be a bit expensive for a masturbation tool, but many find the highly erotic sensations it produces well worth the expense. If silk is too pricey, cheaper synthetic materials can be used that also provide a worthwhile experience.
Women’s leggings
The tight leggings that are very popular among women can also be used for a nice change-of-pace masturbation session. Buying a pair for this purpose is more acceptable than using those of one’s girlfriend – unless she knows one is doing this and gives permission.
Women’s panties
Using women’s panties for masturbatory purposes is a popular fetish, but some men enjoy just trying it once or twice. Again, it’s more proper to either buy a pair for this purpose or consult with a girlfriend for permission if one wishes to use hers.
Masturbation is one way to maintain a happy penis; so is making sure it is healthy for those masturbation sessions. To help maintain that health, regular use of a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advisable. Many men who masturbate experience a loss of sensation in the penis, especially if they use a grip that is too tight. This can cause peripheral nerve damage, which “deadens” the feeling in the organ. A crème that includes neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine is definitely needed to help protect the natural sensitivity of the manhood. Men who are not as careful as they need to be with post-ejaculation clean-up – and even many who do pay close attention to this detail – may find that an unpleasant odor forms on the penis. Persistent penis odor often responds to a crème with vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that fight this problem. Seeing to the proper health of the penis is recommended for all men, and a health crème can help.