Exercise in and of itself is a worthy pursuit for any man wishing to keep fit, but the fact that some exercises can promote better sex makes fitness even more attractive. While focusing directly on many penis health issues can also play a part in achieving better sex, it’s important to also concentrate on areas of the body beyond the penis itself.
Getting toned makes a man look better and also keeps him in better sexual shape. A man doesn’t have to work toward gaining massive muscles, but simply on taking what he has and shaping it up.
With that in mind, the following exercises are recommended to stay on the path to better sex.
Planks are an excellent exercise for strengthening the core. By focusing on tightening up the stomach, buttocks, lower back and upper legs, a man is helping to stimulate the muscles which are of great use when engaging in the thrusting motion that is at the heart of intercourse.
Plank exercise is fairly simple in design if challenging in execution. A man should stretch out on the floor and bend his forearms so that they rest on the ground, then lift his body up in a straight position. The weight should be fairly evenly divided between the forearms and the toes. Start by holding this position for 5 seconds, resting for 5 and repeating several times. The goal is to eventually hold the position for as long as possible to provide maximum core benefits.
Planks alone won’t get those abs in shape, and the stronger the abs, the stronger the thrusting capability. Crunches have long replaced the old sit-up; as with sit-ups, a man lies on the floor, knees bent, hands behind the head. He then lifts his head, neck, shoulders and upper back – but just until his shoulders leave the floor and he feels a “crunch” in his stomach. It’s good to hold for a few seconds, then return to starting position and repeat.
Upper arm strength is also crucial for improving sexual encounters, especially if one frequently employs the ever-popular missionary position. Men who are not in the best of shape may find that they need to start with half-push-ups, in which one starts from a kneeling position. After building up sufficient strength, a man can then work up to the traditional legs straight out, weight on the toes method.
Squats have a triple benefit: Not only do they work on toning the leg muscles, they are also associated with raising testosterone levels in men as well as with increasing blood flow to the penis. That makes them a win-win-win.
To squat, a man starts standing straight. He bends his knees, getting as low as he can while at the same time raising his arms, keeping them straight until they are perpendicular to the floor. Return to a standing position and repeat.
Bridges give a little workout to the pelvic region to prepare it for its activities during sex. To perform a bridge, a man lies on the floor with his knees bent and his feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the ground. Arms should be flat on the ground beside the body. Using his pelvic muscles, he should lift his midsection off the ground, forming a straight line between his knees and shoulders; hold for a few seconds and lower to the ground. Repeat the exercise.
Please note: As with any exercise routine, a man should take care; finding the right pace and level is important to avoiding injury.
Of course, exercise isn’t the whole picture. A healthy penis is also a key to better sex, and regular use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help in this area. A crème with L-arginine is especially helpful, as it can boost nitric oxide production which can in turn keep penis blood vessels open and receptive to flow. In addition, the crème should contain vitamin C. The topical application of this vitamin on the penis aids in collagen production and penile tissue firmness – and that’s a benefit for any man interested in penis health.