For a sexually active man, the degree of penis sensation has a clear and direct impact on the amount of pleasure he derives from any form of sex. When the degree of penis sensation is high, the sensitivity in his manhood creates sublime and ecstatic feelings that can lead to very satisfying releases. But when the degree is diminished, the pleasure factor is negatively impacted. The experience is still enjoyable, but a man feels like something is missing. In such a situation, tips for proper penis care can help to improve penis sensitivity and make sexual contact – whether with a partner or with himself – more engaging and satisfying.
Why diminished penis sensation?
A man might very reasonably ask, “Why am I experiencing this decrease in penis sensation?” Some men may panic and think this is a sign of aging (even if they are quite young) and that therefore there’s nothing they can do to alter it. In fact, this is not the case.
Diminished sensitivity in the member is common and there are a number of reasons for it. For example, often a man may use a cleanser on his equipment that is too harsh for the task. This may cause some wear on the penis skin, undetected by the man in question. The body responds by adding a new, thin layer of skin cells on top of the damaged skin. When too many layers are added, there’s more of a barrier between a source of sensation and the penile nerve endings.
Mental forces also play a role in diminished sensation. If a man is anxious or worried, whether about sexual performance issues or about other things occurring in his life, his mind is “not in the game” when he’s in the sack. This can create a mental barrier that impacts the ability to perceive sensation as fully as one might.
Handling issues
But probably the most common reason for diminished sensitivity is rough handling, either by a partner or by oneself. Having sex without sufficient lubrication, experiencing too tight a grip on the member or rubbing against surfaces that are not sufficiently welcoming can create the same kind of damage as using a harsh cleanser. And as with the cleanser situation, layers of tissue can build up that get in the way of maximum pleasure.
So what can one do to help restore lost sensation? Here are a few tips:
– Switch cleansers. Use a mild soap that doesn’t irritate the penis skin.
– Avoid commando. Wearing soft cotton underwear keeps the penis from rubbing against rough denim, wool or other trouser fabrics. Going without underwear can definitely rub the penis the wrong way.
– Lay on the lube. Whether masturbating or partnering, make sure that the penis is well-lubricated throughout the sex act. Apply more lubricant if the session is lengthy and the original application wears off.
– Maintain penile health. One of the most important tips to prevent and treat diminished penis sensation is to regularly use a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). In terms of prevention, a crème that focuses on keeping penis skin healthy is crucial. Select one that includes protective ingredients such as Shea butter and vitamin E (two powerful moisturizing agents) and a potent antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) which helps offset harmful oxidative damage. For treatment purposes, that crème should also include acetyl L-carnitine, an invaluable ingredient that serves a neuroprotective purpose. Acetyl L-carnitine has been proven to help avoid peripheral nerve injury resulting from rough handling, thereby helping to restore lost sensitivity. Those who are concerned about loss of penis sensation are well-advised to make the daily application of Man1 Man Oil a part of their health regimen.