When a man plans to blow off some steam with a self-pleasuring session, there’s usually not much forethought or planning that goes into the activity. Given the frequency with which most men turn to their own hand for stimulation, it’s no surprise that they tend to develop masturbation routines, which they follow more or less consistently. But since masturbation and frequent ejaculation are so crucial for sexual and penile health, it’s a good idea to invest a little time thinking of ways to mix up the activity, keeping it fresh and possibly adding a level of enjoyment a man never knew possible.
One way to revamp masturbation is to incorporate something besides the hand to place the manhood in. Men may be thinking of sex toys they can purchase for this purpose – and if resources and interest allow, by all means, look into the vast array of exciting options out there.
But a guy doesn’t need to run out to a sex shop or wait for an online order to be delivered to start experimenting. There are plenty of objects right around the house that a man can safely, pleasurably use as masturbatory aids. Consider the following.
Banana Peel
With a little creativity, this phallic fruit can do more than deliver a healthy dose a potassium. Cut the tip off a banana, squeeze out the fruit, rinse the inside with warm water, then fill with lube. Insert the penis and go to town! For added pleasure, microwave the peel for a few seconds before lubing it up. Note: Always temperature-test before insertion to make sure it’s not too hot!
Pleasing Fabrics
If a man has a silk tie or plush sheets he wouldn’t mind getting messy, he can use these delicious fabrics to coddle his member while he masturbates. A man can get kinky with this masturbatory aid by buying some women’s pantyhose or silk panties for the purpose. Better yet, if he has a willing lady lover, he can ask to borrow hers (making it clear what the intended use is).
Plastic Baggie
A man can put more than a sandwich in his trusted plastic baggies. Try filling one with lube and sticking the penis inside for a new sensation. For extra pleasure, a guy can stick his lubed-up baggie in between couch cushions or two pillows – this adds a bit of pressure to the member, simulating intercourse.
Latex Glove
Many people fantasize about a doctor’s visit getting sexual, and if a man has such a fantasy, wearing a latex glove can make for an exciting solo session. He can pretend his hand belongs to a doctor who is performing an examination on his penis – but the doctor can’t resist the urge to get naughty.
Cardboard Roll
The cylinders inside toilet paper and paper towel rolls are able to accommodate most penises. Put a condom inside the roll, fold the top of the condom over the top of the roll and tape it there, put some lube inside and masturbate with it. If a man has fantasies about an absurdly long member, he can even use a wrapping paper roll!
Masturbation, whether with a hand, a toy or a household object, can be rough on the penile skin. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a quality lubricant around, which can protect the skin from excess friction. This is especially important when a man is thrusting his member inside objects besides his well-known hand.
Another step men can take to keep their skin in good condition is using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. Keeping the skin moisturized protects it from chafing and can help it recover from the friction it has already been exposed to. Since good skin condition is imperative to the look, feel and sensitivity of the member, investing in Man1 Man Oil is a wise move.