Most straight men like nothing more than an evening of sexual play with a lovely lady, and most engage in such play without any issues. Sometimes, however, a man may experience penis pain during or after intercourse, and the question arises: can this be due to an allergy to a partner’s vaginal fluids? As a man wants to maintain good penis health (and avoid unpleasant penis pain), answering this question can be quite important.
Many people, including many doctors, don’t believe that a man can be allergic to vaginal fluids. The reason for this is that there is no evidence in the medical literature to support this hypothesis. But there may be reasons for that lack of evidence. For example, because this is likely a rare occurrence and not one that is life-threatening, there is no real motivation to perform carefully controlled studies to assess the validity of claims to such an allergy. Without such studies, there is no evidence.
Still, enough men have posited this theory that it is worthwhile for a man who believes he is so afflicted to investigate this avenue on his own.
Rule out other causes
The first step is to determine if there may be other more likely causes for the penis pain. There are any number of things which can account for penis pain during or after coupling, including the following:
– Tightness. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of trying to squeeze something that’s a little too big into a space that’s a little too small. When the penis is too large (or the vagina is too small), the result can be pain in both the penis and the vagina. Often, of course, this is a transient issue; unless the member in question is truly of impressive size or the vagina in question is significantly smaller than normal, it’s usually just a matter of engaging in more foreplay and/or using an appropriate lubricant.
– Misjudging. Often penis pain occurs due to misjudging, as when a man misjudges the depth of the vaginal canal or the angle of entry and thrusts his erect penis against a hard surface within the vagina.
– STIs. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to soreness or actual pain in the penis. This is often exacerbated during the sexual act and can become quite excruciating.
– Yeast infections. When a man has a yeast infection, it may present with a burning or otherwise painful sensation, usually at the tip of the organ.
Vaginal fluids
If it seems that the vaginal fluid may be the cause of the pain, there are steps a couple can take to alleviate the situation.
– Acid level adjustment. Diet can play a role in pain caused by vaginal fluids, especially if the diet is high in acidity. Sometimes the acid-based foods become expressed through the fluids, which can creating an uncomfortable burning sensation in a penis with sensitive skin.
– No douching. Occasionally what the penis is reacting to is not the fluids themselves but leftover factors from a recent douching. Refraining from using a douche near the time of intercourse may help. Douching is not recommended for women’s vaginal health, anyway.
– Soap. If a woman uses a soap with strong chemicals, dyes or fragrances, this may mix in with fluids to create a painful situation. Switching to a milder soap can often solve this issue.
Defusing potential problems with fluids can help reduce penis pain; so can keeping the manhood good and healthy. For this, daily use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. Since the penis skin is likely to be sensitive, the best crème will have a potent combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) to keep it supple. In addition, it’s beneficial if the crème in question also contains vitamin D. This popular nutrient is often called a “miracle vitamin” because it is so good at enabling cell functionality. A proper crème can go a long way toward alleviating penis pain.