It’s no secret that modern culture has an obsession with penis size, with the result that a man who is endowed with an abnormally big penis is looked on with great envy by those who are more modestly equipped. There’s no denying that possessing a big penis comes with certain advantages, especially if a guy has practiced proper penis care and it’s in good shape. But there can also be issues when one’s penis size is substantially above the norm.
Some of those problems are related to sex, as one might suspect. The bigger the penis, the more of an impression it makes when first unveiled, and that can have a positive effect in terms of creating excitement in a partner. But it may also create expectations that the owner of the phallus in question may not be able to fulfill. Just because a guy is big doesn’t necessarily mean that he can last for hours or that there aren’t any erectile issues to consider.
If anything, the super-sized man can feel more pressure to perform, and that can lead to sexual dysfunction, especially if a partner expressed disappointment due to unrealistic expectations based solely on size.
On the other hand, men whose self-confidence is raised because of their mammoth member can still have issues. For example, oral sex can be so challenging that a “blessed” guy may rarely get to enjoy this form of sexual pleasure from a partner.
Most vaginas are fortunately capable of stretching to accommodate even very large penises, but there are some cases when injury does occur to a female partner. And a small percentage of men can’t find condoms that cover their entire shaft, which can be a protection problem.
Beyond the bedroom
But big penis issues extend beyond sex. Some men whose equipment is especially large when soft find it difficult to use a urinal; the penis tends to touch the porcelain or even dip into the urinal water – neither of which is particularly hygienic.
A manhood that extends down the thigh can make crossing the legs or riding a bike challenging. It also presents clothing quandaries for work. A man wants to find pants that aren’t excessively baggy for his professional life, but a really big penis can make wearing pants that are even slightly clingy a risky proposition.
And changing in the gym locker room can result in a lot of resentful stares that can be pretty distracting.
What to do
Most men with a big penis accept that their penis size is worth the challenges it presents. Among the ways they deal with challenges are:
– Speaking honestly with potential partners. If they aren’t able to last for hours in bed, they explain that just because they are large doesn’t mean they have superhuman stamina. This openness is usually appreciated by those they take to bed.
– Accepting limited oral sex. A guy comes to understand that deep-throating may be out of the question and learns to appreciate what a partner can accomplish.
– Being especially tender in bed. A guy doesn’t want to cause pain in a partner, so many “gifted” men learn how to take things especially slow and easy during foreplay – and that can be a big plus in the long run.
Penis size doesn’t change the need for penis health, so whether a man has a big penis or a modest one, he will do well to use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Guys need to use a crème with vitamin C, as topical application helps direct that vitamin’s powers in the area of collagen production and penile tissue firmness. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin B5, which is valued for its aid in healthy penile functioning and penis cell metabolism. Treating one’s penis with Man1 Man Oil helps keep a guy’s favorite organ in sprightly health.