There are few things that a man enjoys better than settling back and being on the receiving end of oral sex ministrations. There can always be drawbacks to any pleasurable activity, of course, and a guy needs to be aware that penis ulcers can occasionally occur due to oral gratification. It’s a rare occurrence, but proper penis care requires a man to be aware of this possibility so that he knows the appropriate steps to take if penis ulcers do pop up.
What are they?
When most people think of ulcers, what comes to mind is a bloated stomach, heartburn and intense pain in the gut. And that’s certainly what occurs with common peptic ulcers. But those symptoms are not the ulcer; they’re the result of the ulcer.
So what is an ulcer, then? Strictly defined, it’s a break in a bodily membrane that keeps an organ from doing its job. In the case of penis ulcers, they fall under the heading of dermatological ulcers – meaning that the break in the membrane is on the surface (or directly beneath the surface) of the penis skin.
Penis ulcers present as open sores on the member (or in the nearby genital area, such as the scrotum). A man may have only one or he may have several all at the same time. They tend to be round-ish in shape and may be dark red, pink or white in coloration.
Typical causes
In popular culture, penis ulcers are strongly associated with STIs, and with good reason: they are a very common symptom of syphilis, herpes, mononucleosis and chancroid. This is why getting penis ulcers examined by a doctor is such a good idea. If an STI is responsible, proper care and treatment needs to begin right away.
However, there are other causes of penis ulcers, including some antibiotics, tuberculosis and, as mentioned above, oral sex.
The oral cause
Fortunately, few men contract penis ulcers strictly from oral sex (unless, of course, the partner has an STI). When a man does come down with an ulcerous situation after oral stimulation, it most often is because the partner has engaged in some playful “biting” of the organ. Such biting, done gently, can provide extra stimulation. Sometimes, however, the partner may bite harder than intended, breaking the penile skin and allowing bacteria from the mouth to contaminate the opening. (In some very rare cases, the bacteria may enter the urethra and cause an ulcer to develop there.)
Most penis ulcers from biting do not develop right away and may not become evident until a week or more after the sexual activity which created them. In addition to causing pain and soreness, they also tend to be especially aromatic, transmitting a noticeably foul odor.
Some penis ulcers caused by oral sex heal themselves in a relatively short period of time; however, others are persistent and require the attention of a doctor. Penicillin or tetracycline is typically prescribed to treat the ulcer.
Proper treatment of penis ulcers from oral sex is necessary, but that alone may not treat the accompanying symptoms. For that, men need to consider using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) once the sore is no longer open and exposed. For example, a crème with vitamin A should be applied. Vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties which are an extra aid in fighting unwanted penis odors, such as those made worse by ulcers. In addition, the Shea butter and vitamin E found in the best crèmes will help to hydrate the skin, easing some of the soreness. Finally, using a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid ensures that harmful oxidative processes will be kept at bay, enabling the member to regain and maintain the health of its cells.