Prostatitis (and the penis pain associated with it) is one of the most common penile concerns that men face, and for many, the condition is unfortunately chronic. The results from a new study looking at chronic prostatitis now suggest that testosterone levels may play a role in this painful condition — knowledge that may be useful for men as they plan their penis care regimens.
About prostatitis
As might be guessed from the name, prostatitis affects the prostate, a gland that is a component of a man’s reproductive system. The prostate is found between the penis and the bladder and is responsible for making fluid that is a key component of semen.
Prostatitis occurs when the prostate becomes infected or inflamed. The gland becomes quite tender in this state, and it can therefore create considerable discomfort in the groin area. If the infection spreads throughout the urinary tract, the pain can become even more intense. Men are most likely to experience this pain when urinating or ejaculating, but it may exist at lower levels all the time. Aside from the physical aspect of this condition, a man who has chronic prostatitis may also experience moodiness or feelings of depression.
There can be numerous factors that may play a role in developing prostatitis, but a recent study in the peer-reviewed “Journal of Sexual Medicine” has found that a man’s testosterone level may be an important factor that has not typically been associated with the condition.
In this study, scientists looked at 948 men who had low testosterone levels (defined for this study as lower than 3.5) and at 4,740 men whose testosterone was above 3.5. When they looked at cases of prostatitis (whether, mild, moderate or severe), the men with the lower testosterone were more likely to have prostatitis than the men with the higher levels.
The scientists also tried to factor in other factors, such as age, weight, etc., but even taking these into account, there was enough evidence to suggest that testosterone does play some role in prostatitis development. However, there need to be further studies to see if these results occur again, and also studies that are designed to look at some factors that this study did not cover, such as smoking or drinking.
If future studies provide enough evidence of a testosterone link, this may help doctors to better treat – or even prevent – prostatitis. Treatment typically depends upon the cause associated with an individual case. If a man is prone to developing prostatitis and testosterone turns out to be a factor, therapy with the hormone may be beneficial. That, of course, will require further studies to determine in which cases it is beneficial and at what doses. So this study is a “baby step,’ but on which has the potential to bring about change down the road.
In the meantime, men with penis pain – especially chronic penis pain – need to consult their doctors. If the pain is due to prostatitis, the doctor can determine the cause and the best course of treatment – which may be antibiotics, pain relievers, muscle relaxers, prostate massage, dietary changes, etc.
While testosterone may one day be proven as a link to prostatitis, men need to deal with penis pain issues in the meantime. Keeping the penis healthy can help, and premium penis health is more easily obtained if a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is included in one’s daily penis care regimen. If the crème contains vitamin D, a man knows that his penis is receiving a healthy dose of the “miracle vitamin,” which boasts proven benefits in fighting disease and in keeping cellular function healthy. The best crème will also include a potent antioxidant, preferably alpha lipoic acid. This antioxidant combats free radicals that cause cellular damage through oxidative stress. Keeping the free radicals at bay keeps penis skin looking younger and healthier. A healthier penis is in a better position to resists penis pain.