Men who are interested in maintaining an active and enjoyable sex life make penis health a top priority. After all, good penis health has a direct impact on how much please a man gets from his sexual activities. But there are some conditions, such as anejaculation, which can have a serious effect on a man’s sex life even if the penis itself remains in good shape.
What is anejaculation?
Most men have never heard of anejaculation, which is a in some ways a good thing. It’s a fairly rare condition, which means that the majority of men won’t have to deal with it. But what is it, exactly?
The word “anejaculation” means “no ejaculation,” and that describes the problem quite accurately: men with this condition are unable to ejaculate semen. The man still makes sperm, mind you, but the prostate gland and the seminal ducts can’t release the semen, often due to blockage.
This doesn’t mean that they don’t get erect or react to stimulation. It also doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t have an orgasm; many men with anejaculation do indeed orgasm, but they do so without ejaculating.
Forms of anejaculation
There are several kinds of anejaculation. Situational anejaculation means that there are some times when a man can ejaculate and others when he cannot. Situational anejaculation is often the result of tension and anxiety. For example, a man may be asked to give a semen sample at a doctor’s office but may feel pressured and may fail to release seed despite going through all the proper motions. In some other instances, a man may ejaculate during masturbation but not during intercourse (or the other way around, as well).
Total anejaculation means that a man never is able to ejaculate. In these cases, he may have either orgasmic or anorgasmic anejaculation. In the former, orgasm is achieved; in the latter it is not. (In some cases, a man with anorgasmic anejaculation is capable of both ejaculating and orgasming, but only in his sleep.)
Some men have primary anejaculation and have never ejaculated; others have secondary anejaculation and have achieved ejaculation at some point(s) in their lives.
There can be several causes of anejaculation. Situational anejaculation is most often related to psychological factors, especially stress. Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and other conditions (including spinal cord issues) that affect the nervous system can also be the culprit, as can traumatic injury or surgery to the groin and surrounding areas. Low testosterone and certain psychotropic medications may also be part of the problem.
Treatment depends upon the root cause. Psychological factors can be worked through with a trained mental health therapist. Switching medications or hormone therapy may be appropriate in other cases, as can properly managing underlying conditions, such as diabetes, that create the anejaculation situation. Vibrator therapy can be useful in producing ejaculation in some cases, as can electrical stimulation; both should be overseen by a doctor for safety reasons.
Penis health can be impacted by anejaculation when the penis continues to receive stimulation after orgasm (or in search of an orgasm), because the man assumes the lack of ejaculation means that the sexual experience is not over. This can lead to extreme soreness which can be alleviated through the application of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Soothing the penis in such situations requires a crème with shea butter (one of the premier emollients) and vitamin E, both of which provide healing hydration for a penis that has been rubbed raw. Also essential is the presence of vitamin C in the crème, as vitamin C is known for its role in collagen production, which in turn gives tone and elasticity to penis skin. Rough sex, due to anejaculation or other reasons, requires proper regular care to keep the penis healthy.