Many men have some curvature associated with their manhood, but a truly bent penis is a rarer occurrence – and one which, strangely enough, may be related to a lack of vitamin E. Learning more about the connection between a bent penis and vitamin E is part of good penis health care.
Peyronie’s disease
When the curvature in a man’s penis is severe, he is typically diagnosed with a condition known as Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s is defined as the development of scar tissue inside the penis, which results in an erection that is significantly curved and frequently painful.
Peyronie’s disease often starts off as a small lump just beneath the surface of the skin. Over time, this lump may also exhibit signs of scarring, and as the condition progresses, the curvature begins. In some cases, the bent penis may reach an angle approaching 90 degrees. The curvature can be upward or downward, or to the left or the right.
When the curvature is severe, there is frequently pain of varying degrees accompanying the erection. The bend may also be at an angle such that penetration becomes difficult or, in some cases, impossible.
Peyronie’s disease was first described in the 18th century by Francois Gigot de la Peyronie, a French surgeon. But even though it has been studied for centuries, doctors are still not sure about the exact cause. Nowadays, doctors tend to agree that there can be multiple causes, including:
– Injury. Many believe that repeated injury to the penis is the most common cause of a bent penis. While this injury may occur ion an obvious fashion, it may also be the result of repeated “small” injuries, the kind that can occur during especially rough or vigorous sex (either with a partner or alone). The repeated injuries cause small layers of scar tissue to build up over time, creating the curvature.
– Infection. Sometimes Peyronie’s is accompanied by vascular inflammation, which indicates that a vascular-related infection may be a culprit.
– Diabetes. Blood vessel damage is often a result of diabetes. When the blood vessels become damaged, the possibility of scarring increases.
– Vitamin E deficiency. Throughout the years, many doctors have noted that patients with Peyronie’s also often suffer from a deficiency of vitamin E. Studies have not been conducted to determine a definite causal link, but there does seem to be a relationship between the two.
This makes sense, as vitamin E has properties which make it an excellent salve to apply to burns. Crucially, vitamin E is thought to play a role in preventing scar tissue from developing in the case of certain skin issues. In addition, vitamin E has blood dilation properties which can help to keep blood vessels in better health.
Perhaps for this reason, doctors have often recommended vitamin E to those patients with Peyronie’s disease.
Without proper studies, it is impossible to know exactly what role vitamin E plays in Peyronie’s disease and its treatment; however, the existing evidence does indicate there may be a benefit to making sure one has sufficient vitamin E if Peyronie’s is an issue.
A bent penis (or one which is perfectly straight, for that matter), needs to be kept in good overall health – and that includes making sure vitamin E gets to the organ. Prime health can more easily be attained if a man makes regular use of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The cremes that include vitamin E also help to tend to hydration issues, which can become a problem; penises that lack proper moisturization appear as dry or scaly. It’s best to find a crème that contains both vitamin E and a high end emollient, such as shea butter. In addition, since blood vessel health impacts Peyronie’s, the crème should also contain L-arginine, an enzyme which boosts nitric oxide production. This in turn creates a situation in which penile blood vessels can more readily expand and accommodate proper blood flow.