As we all know, penis odor can be a problem for men for any number of reasons. For example, the heat of summer can create a sweat situation that causes that penis odor to increase dramatically. One contributing factor to penis odor may be a urinary tract infection, which impacts penis health in general and needs to be addressed properly when it occurs.
What is a urinary tract infection?
Commonly called a UTI, a urinary tract infection is pretty much what the name implies: an infection that occurs somewhere in the urinary tract. The tract basically involves the baller, the kidneys, the ureters and the urethra.
– Kidneys. Blood enters the kidneys in order to get cleansed. The kidneys filter out waste products and water that the blood has picked up on its journey throughout the body, creating urine in the process.
– Ureters. Each of the kidneys has a tube that is about 10 inches long and leads from the kidney to the bladder. These tubes are the ureters. When the urine has been created in the kidneys, it passes through the ureters to the bladder.
– Bladder. Once in the bladder, the urine is stored until the bladder gets full. At that point, the body tells the bladder to send the urine out of the body.
– Urethra. To get out of the body, the bladder send the urine through a tube called the urethra, which in men leads through the penis.
In most cases, a urinary tract infection occurs in either the bladder or the urethra, but it is possible for it to occur at any point in the system, including the kidneys or ureters. Although urinary tract infections are much more common in women than in men, many men do get them. They also become increasingly common in men as they age.
What causes the infection?
The infection is generally caused by some form of bacteria, although sometimes a fungus or even a virus can be the culprit. When the infection is in the bladder, it is typically caused by E coli bacteria, which gets into the bladder somewhere from the gastrointestinal tract. Other bacteria may be involved, especially for infections in the kidneys.
Why penis odor?
So how does a urinary tract infection contribute to or be an underlying cause of penis odor? It’s very simple. The build-up of unwanted bacteria, such as E coli, brings with it an unwelcome odor. All urine has some odor attached to it, but in healthy urine, it is not a “stench.” Often the urine created during the period of a urinary tract infection is quite strong and acrid.
No matter how well a man shakes after urinating, often droplets of urine stray from the penis and dry on the penis or in the underwear. This creates an odor that can linger. In addition, some urinary tract infections are accompanied by a seepage from the penis that also contains the bacterial-based odor.
Treat it
Getting proper treatment for a urinary tract infection is highly recommended. In most cases, a doctor will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria causing the infection. In some cases, this may be a “short round” of just a few days. For persistent cases, a longer period of treatment may be called for.
The antibiotics will fight the urinary tract infection, but a man can take other steps meanwhile to ward off penis odor – such as regularly using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). To fight penis odor, the crème should contain vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which can help destroy major causes of odor. If the crème also contains vitamin D, so much the better; this is the “miracle vitamin,” which is lauded for its role in fighting disease and enabling cellular function. Keeping the penis in prime health enables it to ward off bacterial odor issues more effectively.