It’s no surprise that modern society places an enormous emphasis on penis size, and that the man with a small penis may feel intense pressure and anxiety because he doesn’t “stack up” to his bigger brethren. Naturally, this can have a big effect on the quality of his sex life and may also create worries about his overall penis health. But what’s interesting is that many men suffer from small penis syndrome even when they have a piece of equipment that is of a perfectly adequate size.
Small penis syndrome
There’s no doubt about it: penises come in many different sizes. Some are big, some are average and some, inevitably are small. But the vast majority of men possess penises that are of sufficient size to function properly and provide pleasure both for themselves and their partners. When a man has a penis of a perfectly reasonable size yet still thinks (or fears) that it is too small, he is said to suffer from small penis syndrome.
Small penis syndrome is classified as a body dysmorphic disorder and is therefore considered psychological in nature. As such, it can in extreme cases have serious consequences. For example, some men with small penis syndrome may experience depression, extreme anxiety, social isolation, occupational functioning and, of course, sexual dysfunction.
Women vs. men
In popular culture (and even more so in porn culture), the size of a man’s penis is directly associated with his masculinity and his potency. It’s automatically assumed that the bigger a man’s penis, the more satisfying he is in bed and the more effective he is as a leader. The facts demonstrate that this is not true, but the myth stubbornly persists.
It’s interesting to look at how women feel about the penises of the men with which they have sex. In one survey, 85% of women reported being very satisfied with how big their partner’s penis was. In the same survey, only 55% of the men were satisfied. So much of the “disconnect” between perception and reality occurs on the male side.
What to do
Men with small penis syndrome could benefit from working with a mental health professional to relieve the stress and anxiety that they may feel and to come up with strategies to view their penis in a more realistic light. Among the possible avenues that can be explored are:
– Cognitive therapy, which teaches a person to look at and judge a situation in a manner that conforms to the facts, rather than to misperceptions or incorrect views. This is especially important in understanding that one’s penis size is in fact normal.
– Comparative options. Many men are subconsciously influenced by viewing pornography in which the participants possess abnormally large penises. It may help men to view websites in which “typical” men’s penises are available for perspective. In some cases, a man may benefit from participating in a live event (such as a masturbation club) in which normal penises are on view for accurate comparison.
Taking pride in the organ. A man with small penis syndrome needs to take pride in his penis (which will in turn help his sex life). While part of that pride is in recognizing the penis size to be worthy of respect, it also requires keeping the penis healthy and in good shape. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a tremendous aid in achieving that goal. When a man pampers his penis with a crème loaded with beneficial vitamins and nutrients, the results are impressive. For example, a crème with vitamin C provides needed collagen production support for the penis, which in turn encourages smoothly elastic penis skin and improves erectile function. A crème that also contains alpha lipoic acid is adding a powerful antioxidant to the mix, battling the free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage penis skin; healthier penis skin is a source of pride and pleasure for all men, and important in a man’s acceptance of his organ as a thing of beauty.