Few things are as likely to ruin a guy’s chances at a thrilling time in bed as removing the trousers, anticipating that a handsome manhood can make a proper impression – and finding that impression undercut by an overwhelming penis odor. Fighting penis odor is one of the most important components of successful penis care, so a guy should look into all possible options. One which he may not have considered: the food choices he makes.
Food and penis odor
Science has learned that food and diet can have a strong impact on almost all aspects of health, including penis health. The food a person eats can affect the specific aroma of the sweat that leaves the body. Since a great deal of penis odor is caused by the sweaty conditions of the crotch, it’s easy to see why some foods might increase that odor. At the same time, diet impacts the odor associated with urine as well, and small droplets or dribbles of urine that dry on the penis can accumulate and add to an odor condition.
Many people who are concerned about food’s impact on penis odor concentrate on those dietary choices that can create a bad smell – things like asparagus, garlic and fish. But it might be just as beneficial to look at some of the things that can prevent or improve penis odor instead.
– Water. First and foremost, staying properly hydrated is one of the keys to fighting penis odor (or body odor of any sort). This might seem counterintuitive: if sweat causes penis odor, wouldn’t drinking more water enable a person to sweat more? In fact, increasing water intake doesn’t increase the amount of sweats. But more water does cause a greater dilution of the ingredients that can lead to odor. It also better helps the body flush out toxins more consistently.
– Citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit – the citrus fruits tend to be a good friend to those with odor issues. The acids help to move water throughout the body, and the fibers in these fruit are useful in hurrying toxins through the expulsionary process.
– Spinach and kale salad. Plant foods that are rich in fiber (such as spinach and kale) have the same fiber-based benefit as citrus fruits. By aiding foods through the digestive process, they eliminate their “overtime” in the body and keep the system fresher and less likely to accumulate odor that gets passed on to the penis and other body parts.
– Tea. Either green or black tea can help keep the penis smelling better due to its high antioxidant content. There is also a lot of tannic acid in tea, and it is believed that this can help to control moisture in traditionally damp body parts – such as the penis.
– Herbs. Fresh-smelling herbs like spearmint or parsley are often used to counteract bad breath; when digested, they can also help keep sweat from smelling as aromatic.
Wise food choices can go a long way to helping control unwanted penis odor. But diet alone cannot solve persistent problems, so a man should definitely make a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) a regular part of his penis health regimen. There are many crèmes out there, but a man should find one that includes vitamin A in its ingredient list. Vitamin A (also called retinol) is well known for antibacterial properties that help reduce penis odor while also preventing aging of penile skin cells. And while citrus fruits can help contribute vitamin C, a crème with that vitamin can focus its benefits directly on the penis, significantly aiding collagen production and improving penile blood flow.