We’ve all heard the jokes about men and sex drive. A man can get it up at the sound of a dog whistle. A guy thinks about sex every eight seconds of every day. Men never get headaches. Even careful attention to good penis care might lead a significant other to say that a man is taking such good care of himself only because he wants to get laid. So when a man has a low sex drive, it can make him think something is terribly wrong.
Everyone has a different level of sex drive. Some people are at red-line all the time, while others are okay with sex once or twice a week. That’s why the definition of low sex drive is a moving target – it’s different for everyone. A good rule of thumb is that if a man wants sex less often than he used to, then his sex drive is dropping. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to bring it back that don’t require medical intervention.
- Stay fit. When a man puts on a bit of weight that might be enough to lead to penis problems and low sex drive. Regular exercise can help get rid of that spare tire or love handles, and the feel-good rush that comes from exercise can make a man more open to the idea of other forms of exercise in the bedroom.
- Have mindful sex. Men often bring the stress of the day into the bedroom, and that’s not good. Try blocking out all the other thoughts that try to intrude and focus instead on the partner. Focus on breathing, every caress, every word, and all the sensations that go along with a good sex session.
- Talk to the partner. Not just in the bedroom – though certainly a bit of naughty talk can go a long way! Talking to the partner outside the bedroom, discussing sexual adventures and desires, likes and dislikes, might shake loose some bad habits gathered over the years, or give rise to new ideas.
- Opt for counseling. A good sex counselor can help couples move from a low sex drive to incredible fun in the bedroom. Much of the session will include talking about sex, watching educational videos, and taking steps to change how partners interact. There is also some rather sexy homework.
- Loosen up. As the old saying goes, inebriation can lead to lubrication. Sometimes it takes putting aside the stress to let go, and that might mean partaking of a little alcohol to get things moving. But keep in mind that too much imbibing can lead to penis problems, so a single glass of wine might be a good limit.
- Explore what might have changed. Remember that certain medications can have side effects, including a low sex drive or other penis problems. Big life changes, such as the death of a loved one or losing a job can also lead to low libido. Sometimes being with the same partner for a long time can cause the problem too, so it’s important to go back through these tips as a couple and work on igniting that old spark.
Getting ready for a good time
Those with a low sex drive might look forward to the day when things will feel normal again. In order to prepare for that, keep penis problems at bay with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes L-arginine, an enzyme that helps increase blood flow, as well as acetyl L carnitine, which enhances penis sensitivity to make sexual encounters more exciting. In addition, vitamins such as A, C and D, applied in a solution of Shea butter and vitamin E, can help keep penis skin smooth and supple – and ready for the next big event.