Every man deals with offensive penis odor from time to time. In most cases, the solution is much more careful personal hygiene. With proper penis care, most smelly problems will go away rather quickly. But there is one particular odor many men have noticed, something like a fishy penis smell, that is not only humiliating but also quite concerning.
What causes that fishy penis smell?
No one likes to feel as though they stink. A man who has the occasional penis odor problem can usually remedy it very quickly and get back to feeling confident. But sometimes, a persistent odor lingers, even with excellent care and attention – and when it is a fishy penis smell, it can mean serious problems. Here are some of the potential reasons for this odor.
1. Lack of regular hygiene. Getting the penis clean is an integral part of everyday care. But for some men, skipping even one shower or not paying enough soapy attention during the shower can lead to a lack of hygiene. This is especially true for uncircumcised men, who must worry about smegma, or the buildup of oil and dead skin cells that is common under the foreskin. Clean the penis carefully, each and every time.
2. Balanitis. Though this condition occurs more often in men who are uncut, anyone can develop balanitis. Symptoms include an itchy penis, soreness, a burning sensation and a sometimes fishy penis smell, as well as redness and inflammation. Prevention is key here, and it all comes back to good hygiene. But if even the best hygiene doesn’t seem to make a dent in the problem, it’s time to consider other possibilities that might co-exist with balanitis.
3. Urinary tract infection. An awful fishy penis smell might not be coming from the penis skin, but rather, from a man’s urine. That is one of the signs of a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI. In addition, a man might suffer from burning or irritation when he urinates. If this is happening, get to the doctor, pronto.
4. Yeast infection. Though yeast infections are much more common in women, men can get them too. It can be passed through sexual contact, or occur when a man has a compromised immune system. Yeast is present on our skin at all times and rarely leads to an issue, but when a yeast infection occurs, a man can expect burning, itching, an unpleasant odor and a thick discharge. If this happens, the doctor is the first stop a man should make.
5. Ketonuria. This condition happens when a man has too many ketones in his body, which spill out in the urine. The result is a strange smell to the urine, often said to be a fishy penis smell. Though the smell is a problem, what is causing the ketonuria might be an even bigger issue – it usually occurs when a man has a medical problem, such as diabetes. Again, a visit to the doctor is in order.
Keeping the penis odor-free
These five points are the usual culprits in unpleasant penis odor. A man should look to good hygiene as the front-line of defense, and that includes the regular use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look specifically for a crème that contains Vitamin A. Also known as retinol, this excellent vitamin offers strong anti-bacterial protection that translates into blocking penis odor before it has a chance to begin. Look for other key nutrients and vitamins as well, such as L-arginine, vitamin C and D, and alpha-lipoic acid, all combined in a soothing Shea butter and vitamin E base to help ensure the healthiest skin possible.