Few things are as important to a guy as his sexual health, and therefore most men want to do anything they can to protect themselves in this area. General expert attention to penis health is one of the primary factors in maintaining good sexual health, but sometimes there are factors that may not seem obvious. For example, it seems possible that the soap a man uses might have some impact on sexual and penis health, especially in terms of the libido.
Antibacterial soaps
That doesn’t mean that a guy needs to stop showering and washing just to protect his penis; that would have serious negative consequences! But it does mean a man might want to pay more attention to the kind of soap he uses.
Men are often advised to use a gentle soap on the penis, largely because soaps with harsh chemicals or fragrances often can irritate the sensitive penis skin. But recent research has raised the possibility that some antibacterial soaps should be avoided because of how they may affect penis health.
The culprit here is bacterial soap that contains an ingredient called triclosan (sometimes called triclocarban). Triclosan is a common antibacterial (also antifungal) agent found not only in some soaps but also in some detergents, deodorants, mouthwashes, toothpastes and other products.
But there have been questions raised about how effective triclosan really is; as a result, the FDA has started procedures to ban its use in over-the-counter products that promote it as an antibacterial ingredient. This ban will take place in September, 2017.
The ban was instituted because the FDA has found insufficient evidence that triclosan truly has an antibacterial effect. However, a recent news report found that animal studies suggest triclosan can have a negative impact on both hormone production and thyroid function.
If the same holds true for humans, triclosan could therefore lower testosterone levels in men, as well as impact muscle production. Both of these factors tend to depress libido in men.
While any causal relationship between triclosan and sexual health in humans is not conclusively proven, men may want to take steps to eliminate this ingredient from their lives. Some suggested steps include:
– Checking labels. Look on the labels of any soaps and body washes (bar soap or liquid) to see if they contain triclosan or triclocarban. In addition, look for the same on laundry detergents, toothpastes and mouthwashes.
– Switching products. If hygiene products do contain the ingredient, switch to a different brand that claims to be triclosan-free.
– Monitoring changes. After making these adjustments, it may be a good idea to see if aman notices any positive changes in his sexual and penis health. If he does, this increases the possibility that triclosan was having an inhibitory effect on him.
Triclosan has a relatively short lifespan so long term accumulation is not likely to be a problem.
Although antibacterial soap with triclosan might impact sexual health, so does not taking proper care of the penis in general. Regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is one excellent way to keep an eye on penis health. Because penile blood flow is so important to maintaining sexual health, using a crème with L-arginine is key. L-arginine is an amino acid that aids the body in the process by which blood vessels are kept more open and receptive to increased blood flow. The crème should also contain vitamin C, which not only is a further aid to proper blood flow but which also promotes collagen development, which helps the skin keep the elasticity it needs for erections.