Men who are active in the bedroom – whether with a partner or with themselves – know that maintaining supreme penis health is important for their ultimate sexual enjoyment. It’s not unusual for a man to spend time examining his penis for signs of potential health issues that may need to be addressed. Looking for spots, rashes, lumps, etc. or sniffing for signs of unwanted odor are all part of the investigative process. But sometimes men may neglect to inspect another important component of the sexual process which can hold clues to potential issues – namely the semen that a man ejaculates.
Strong stuff
Semen is a truly vital fluid, one of the primary components of impregnation. But on a more day-to-day basis, semen is more readily associated in men’s minds as a symbol of sexual fulfillment and virility. The fact that it can be a health measure merely adds to its importance in a man’s life.
Not just a game
Many men, perhaps especially as adolescents, have indulged in a game of seeing how far they can ejaculate. Whether done solo or with other males, a man often feels a source of pride when his semen travels a far distance during masturbation. (For the record, the average distance ejaculate tends to travels is between 7 and 10 inches.)
Yet that game can also be a good way of monitoring penis health. It pays for a man to have a benchmark of what his normal ejaculate travel distance is. If he goes through a period where that distance is consistently lower than his average, it may be a sign of a penis health issue. Distance diminishment by itself may not be a major issue, but if there are other signs of change, a guy may want to bring this to the attention of his urologist.
Color and consistency
The color and consistency of a man’s semen are also barometers of potential penis health issues.
– Thickness. Semen tends to be fairly thick, but that can be affected by how much water or other liquids a man drinks. Thinness of the semen is rarely a cause for concern, but chunkiness can be. If a man is not well hydrated, small chunks or lumps may appear in the semen – and he needs to up his fluids intake. If he is well-hydrated and still has chunkiness, it’s best to consult a doctor; sometimes this may mean that a man’s testosterone levels are a bit off.
– Red or brown semen. Semen is naturally a whitish or white-grayish color. Sometimes it may appear reddish or brownish. This is often a sign that there is some blood mixed in with the semen. This may mean a blood vessel developed a small rupture; if it heals itself, the color change will go away quickly. However, if it persists for several days, or is accompanied by a burning feeling, it may be a sign of infection. A visit to the doctor is a good idea for confirmation and treatment options.
– Greenish semen. Green is not a typical color for semen, and when the ejaculate takes on this tinge it is often a sign of an STI. Men with greenish semen should definitely see a doctor to obtain a diagnosis and begin treatment if an STI is present.
Though semen can point the way to some potential penis health issues, it’s advisable to always use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) simply to keep the penis accessible to the best possible health conditions. A crème that includes acetyl L carnitine, which is neuroprotective, can help defend against loss of sensation from rough, aggressive sex. And if the crème also contains vitamin A, that penis will benefit from antibacterial properties that help fight unwanted penis odor. The man who uses a proper penis health crème is doing his manhood a big favor.