When a man seeks more stamina in the bedroom, he often considers turning to things like that ‘little blue pill.’ But many men are wary of going the pharmaceutical route. They would much prefer a blend of good penis care and natural enhancers to get things back on track.
But are natural enhancers safe? And what should a man look for when he considers one?
Choosing the right natural enhancer
There are some very natural enhancers that could work wonders for stamina and penis sensitivity. But it is very important to remember that these are truly natural supplements, not some gimmick that is filled with mystery ingredients. If a man does choose to go this route, he should ensure that the enhancer he chooses is all-natural with very limited ingredients.
So without further ado, here is a list of what might work for those who need something more natural to up their game.
1. Maca. A very powerful supplement that has been shown to improve stamina, sperm count, sperm motility and even seminal volume, this root extract has a storied history. It contains strong photochemicals, including macamides and macaenes, both of which boost energy and hormone levels. In fact, it’s so good that women can benefit from it, too.
2. Cordyceps. This is a mushroom extract that has a reputation for making a man feel raring to go, even to the point of being jittery. It boosts testosterone and aids in blood flow, as well as promotes anti-aging in the body. The only problem? Too much of this and a man won’t be able to sleep after the deed is done.
3. L-arginine. This lovely amino acid is also found in powerful penis health crèmes, so it obviously works. It increases the body’s nitric acid, which in turn enhances blood flow, which then improves erections and penis sensitivity. Nitric acid actually works by widening and relaxing the blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow where it needs to be.
4. Korean Red Ginseng. This very potent form of ginseng is so strong that it should only be taken in two-week cycles. In clinical trials, men experienced better erections and increased desire. As an added bonus, their stress levels dropped dramatically. This can give a man plenty of stamina to get the job done, and then gives him a great sleep afterward.
5. L-Tyrosine. This one should be used with more caution than the others, because sometimes it can cause the blood pressure to rise. For men who are cleared by their doctor to take this one, they can expect spikes in their dopamine levels, which makes their overall mood better, as well as more successful erections. In fact, they might even feel as though they are powerful enough to take over the world – that’s their increased metabolism talking.
Doing it the natural way
Should a man go for a natural enhancer? It is important to remember that no matter how safe the enhancer seems to be, it is vital to check with the doctor first, before taking even a single pill or powder. That’s because even the most natural ingredients can interact with other medications, and might even interact with certain foods in a regular diet. It is always better to be safe than sorry!
But when it comes to natural enhancers, there are some that are perfectly safe – these are topical crèmes that contain vitamins and nutrients that can be absorbed by the penis skin, thus ensuring a man has the best penis care possible. Men should look for a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes the aforementioned L-arginine, as well as vitamins A, C and D. The addition of vitamin E, a natural hydrator, all mixed into a Shea butter base can help ensure that penis skin stays smooth, supple and ready for any kind of action.