Many men are worried about erectile dysfunction, and go to great pains to ensure top-notch penis care in an effort to avoid the problem. In most cases of erectile dysfunction, there is a physical component; for example, a man might suffer from diabetes, circulation issues or other problems that can be addressed by a physician.
But for some men, there appears to be no physical problem at all – other than the fact that he just can’t get it up when it’s time to get busy. This can be quite distressing, because at least men with penis problems caused by a medical condition know there is likely a good treatment to help them. But those who have penis problems with no clear cause may be quite worried about what this means for their long-term sexual health.
Those who have penis problems with no clear physical reason might start to wonder: Is erectile dysfunction actually a psychological issue?
Penis problems and psychology
In some cases, a man’s erectile dysfunction is caused by something other than a physical issue. Here are a few reasons why a guy might experience penis problems that seem to make no sense.
1. Stress. Most men go through periods of serious stress from time to time. This might include everything from a big presentation at work to dealing with the stress of losing a loved one. In cases like this, everything else in life can fall to the wayside for a while, including sexual desire and the ability to engage in sexual activity.
2. Anxiety. Much more than simple stress, anxiety can lead to physical problems that eventually cause penis problems. Those who suffer from anxiety might have higher blood pressure, increased heart rate, and debilitating fatigue. These problems can make it tough to get it up when the time comes.
3. Depression. This often goes hand-in-hand with anxiety. A guy suffering from depression might not care about things that once mattered to him, including his sexual health. Even if a man feels sexual desire, he might have trouble acting on it. In many cases, treatment for depression will quickly result in a resolution of penis problems.
4. Worries about erectile dysfunction. Interestingly, a man who is worried about developing penis problems is much more likely to do just that! Worries about erectile dysfunction can combine stress, anxiety and even depression into one big concern, and that might be enough to keep a man from getting it up at all.
5. Relationship issues. Sometimes the problem isn’t about the sexual function or desire, but about the partner. A man who is in the midst of serious relationship problems might find it very difficult to perform in the bedroom. In addition, some emotions are sneaky, and a man might not want to confront them; for instance, feeling guilt over something in the relationship, not fully trusting a partner, or feeling resentment for a slight can manifest physically, preventing a man from getting hard when the time calls for it.
The good news is that psychological issues that lead to penis problems can be resolved. It might take the help of a good psychologist or therapist, but soon a man can get to the bottom of what is causing the lack of desire or lack of physical ability. Once he knows what the problem is, he can work toward fixing it.
In the meantime, a man must remain ready for action when his good penis function comes back. To that end, a guy should indulge in a daily application of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains nutrients and vitamins that aid in circulation, such as L-arginine, which helps the blood vessels dilate, or vitamin D, which promotes healthy cellular function. These ingredients, along with other top-notch vitamins, can be applied in a crème rich with Shea butter and vitamin E for skin hydration. The result is a handsome, healthy penis that is ready for action.