Few things in life are more annoying than an itchy penis. Men who want to avoid this situation go to great lengths to give their body the best possible penis care, and for many lucky souls, that’s all that’s needed to keep things calm and quiet down there. But when penile eczema enters the picture, all bets are off – and that dry, itchy penis situation becomes a problem of epic proportion.
What is eczema?
Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. It can happen anywhere on the body. It shows up as a very red, irritated and itchy area of skin; the skin might look red, inflamed, or even blistered. The itching of eczema is intense, sometimes making it impossible to ignore. Besides these problems, the dryness that comes along with eczema can last long after the initial redness and irritation is gone.
When eczema presents on the penis, it can be even more intense than eczema that appears elsewhere on the body. The thin penis skin is even more susceptible to dryness and irritation, and of course, having an itchy penis is one of those things that can truly ruin every aspect of a man’s day – not to mention his sex life.
How to fight penile eczema
Eczema can be tough to handle, especially since it tends to hang around for a long while even if a man is doing all the right things. That’s why a man must get started with these tips at the first sign of redness and itching.
– Intense hydration. Skin covered in eczema is craving moisture, so provide it, inside and out. Drink plenty of water, and slather on a high-end emollient that locks in moisture. Make sure the lotion doesn’t contain fragrances or alcohol, as these can make the eczema problem much worse.
– Wash appropriately. Though it might feel great to get under a really hot shower, stick with lukewarm water for daily washing. Keep the shower very short, only a few minutes, and pat the skin dry when finished. Use a very mild cleanser, preferably one that is designed for eczema care.
– Keep the temperature steady. Cold air is almost guaranteed to lead to a big flare-up of penile eczema, so make sure to keep the area warm. In addition, men should keep the area where they sleep as comfortable as possible by using a humidifier during the cold months. This will put more moisture into the air, which helps prevent dry skin.
– Wear appropriate clothing. Clothing that is loose-fitting, all-cotton and breathable is recommended. This allows air to flow through as much as possible. It also helps prevent further chafing and irritation when clothing presses against the areas of penile eczema.
– Stay away from allergens. Sometimes penile eczema is caused by something new, such as harsh detergent, new cologne or even sleeping on unfamiliar sheets. Eliminate as many of these factors as possible to help the itching and redness subside.
– Do not scratch! This is easily the most difficult of all the eczema remedies. An itchy penis begs to be scratched, and the itching from eczema can be especially intense. However, scratching that itch can actually make the eczema worse, or could even progress to opening up little tears in the penis skin. If the itching is very severe, gently rub a moisturizing crème into the area – that will provide some relief and some hydration at the same time. Wear lightweight gloves if necessary to prevent the urge to scratch, especially during sleep.
To keep the skin very well-hydrated year-round, consider including a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) in the penis care routine. It is vitally important to use a crème that contains Shea butter, a high-end emollient, as well as vitamin E, known as nature’s hydrator. The combination of these two ingredients can provide a ‘moisture lock’ that can help reduce the itchy penis problem of penile eczema.