Many men have suffered from the dreaded itchy penis. It always seems to happen at the most inopportune times; a man rarely seems to suffer from it when he’s at home by himself, with no one else around to see him scratch that itch. Though regular penis care can always help the itchy penis situation, sometimes a man simply winds up with an itch that won’t go away. Often it is accompanied by a penis rash, whether a very light one or a more severe reaction to something. But then again, there are times when that itchy penis is just itchy – no penis rash required.
What’s causing that itchy penis?
Sometimes the aforementioned penis rash – usually a result of contact dermatitis, or an allergy to something in the environment – leads to an itchy situation. But other times there is no rash in sight. So why the insane urge to itch?
An itchy penis can be caused by any number of issues. Remember that the skin of the penis is very sensitive and rather thin, the better to allow for intense pleasure when it’s being fondled. But the downside of that very sensitive skin is – well, sensitivity. If conditions are right, that sensitivity translates into a terrible itch.
A man might suffer from an itchy penis if he has something on the skin, such as dried sweat, lubrication or spermicide from a condom, traces of lotion or soap, bodily fluids from a partner, or even dry skin that can result from changes in the weather, a new cleaning regimen and much more. In short, if there is a penis itch with no rash, a man will have to think long and hard about why he might be feeling the urge to itch all the time.
How can a man ease the itchy penis?
In many cases, the itchy penis is a problem until a man can get a good shower, after which he discovers sweet relief. But sometimes the itch lingers, and more must be done. Here’s what a man should do when confronted with this awful situation.
1. Do not scratch! Though it sounds like a terrible rule, scratching the itchy penis can actually make the situation worse. A rough scratch on an irritated penis can lead to even more problems, thanks to the tiny microtears that might occur in the skin, or the spreading of whatever it is that is causing the itch. If a man must touch his penis, a gentle rub or pat will have to suffice.
2. Get clean as soon as possible. Whatever is on the penis is likely causing the problem, so a man should clean up as soon as he can. If he’s at home or on his way there, that’s not a problem. But what if a man is in the middle of his workday and the itch is becoming unbearable? Slipping away to a bathroom with a private sink and a locking door is the answer. He should carefully wash his penis with water and a soft towel. This might alleviate the problem until he gets home and can do a more thorough cleaning.
3. Visit the doctor. In most cases the itch will go away soon, but for those that linger, it’s time to talk to the doctor. The itchy penis might be a result of an STD, some sort of fungal infection, an allergy to something in the environment or a sign of something underlying that might need medical attention.
And as always, a man can’t go wrong with the use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Soothing vitamin E and Shea butter make up the base of the best crèmes, which can then also include vitamins like A, C and D, as well as other soothing ingredients, like powerful amino acids. The use of the crème on a daily basis can mean better hydration, which then leads to less itching.