By now every man knows smoking is bad for him. Though it might look attractive on the big screen, smoking in real life has serious consequences. Not only can it lead to yellowed nails, much faster aging and of course, serious health complications from all that tar pulled into the lungs, a man might find that penis problems result as well. Even with the best penis care, a man who smokes is much more likely to lose penis sensitivity – and depending upon how long he smokes, this disappointing change might be permanent.
Smoking leads to loss of penis sensation
But how is it that smoking affects so much of the body? The answer lies in how the body works. Every time a man lights up, he pulls the smoke into his lungs, holds it there for a bit, then exhales it. But the moment the smoke enters his body, it is absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream. And of course, cells need blood – so every single cell in the body winds up with a little bit of what just went into the bloodstream. Drag after drag, these substances build up.
The body believes what comes in on that smoke is a toxin (and of course, it is!). So the body tries to do what it’s supposed to do, and mobilizes its resources to fight off the toxin. This means white blood cells rush to the bloodstream, fanning out through the body, searching out the invaders. As the white blood cells do their job, the blood naturally becomes much thicker.
The blood vessels in the body are of varying sizes. The smallest blood vessels can be found in the eyes, kidneys, brain and yes, the penis. Since the vessels become swollen in response to the toxins, and the blood becomes thicker, it has a more difficult time moving through to where it’s supposed to be.
This can lead to a whole host of complications in all parts of the body, especially when that slower, thicker blood begins to form small clots. A man might not feel those little clots, but they are doing damage over time, including cutting off vital nerve cells from the rich oxygen they need to survive. The result is a penis with damaged nerves, and that can lead to a lack of penis sensation.
The end result of smoke damage
A man’s body can only take so much abuse before it begins to show serious signs of damage. As a smoker gets older – or as he begins to smoke even more – those little changes in sensation become big problems. A man might not be able to feel the tender touches of a partner. He might find that masturbation has become a marathon of frustration. He might struggle to reach orgasm. He might eventually find that he has trouble getting it up – thanks to the damage to the blood vessels.
Treating the lack of penis sensitivity
The best thing a man can do to preserve his good penis health is stop smoking. Smoking cessation is tough, but for the sake of a man’s health, it must be done. The use of nicotine replacements, cessation gum and other products, support groups and assistance from a physician can help a man kick the habit.
To preserve the penis sensitivity a man has left, he can turn to a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A powerful nutrient crème will contain the proper vitamins to support blood flow and tissue health, which can ease the nerve damage and hopefully provide a man with an increase in penis sensitivity. Though no crème can reverse the permanent effects of long-term smoking, a crème loaded with vitamins and nutrients can help a man preserve the sensation he still has – and that can help him lead a healthier, more active sensual life.