Considering how much attention a man tends to focus on his manhood, it’s surprising that some men aren’t aware that some so-called penis facts would be better labeled as penis myths. Some of the myths are relatively harmless, of course, and don’t negatively impact penis health or other important areas of a man’s life. But others really do need to be dispelled.
Below are several statements which could be penis facts or penis myths. Try to determine which is which.
The bigger the better.
Definitely a myth. Oh, sure, a large penis can have its advantages. It can be visually impressive, which in some instances may spark excitement in a partner. But it can also have the opposite effect, if a woman worries about fitting a large penis inside her vagina. But regardless, it is well documented that what is of greater value than size is the skill with which a man operates the equipment. A big penis conveys bragging rights on a guy, but once in the sack, he has to prove that he can live up to them – and that’s where skill trumps size.
Shoe size indicates penis size.
Once again, this is a myth – but it’s easy to see why this has received so much play over the years. The supposition that big feet would mean a big penis comes from the idea that big feet are more often associated with a taller man, and if he needs big feet to balance his tall frame, surely his penis must grow a commensurate length. But numerous studies have shown that this isn’t so, and that a man with a size 6 shoe may easily have a bigger member than a guy with a size 13.
The average erect penis is between five and six inches long.
A penis fact. Although for years men loudly proclaimed that the average penis was a minimum of six inches, more recent studies place it at a little over five inches. So lots of men who worried that they were below average are actually right in line with what is typical.
A guy can break his penis.
Another fact. Although there isn’t a bone in the penis, it can still be fractured – although this is thankfully a very rare occurrence. Almost as rare as it is painful. So if there isn’t a bone, what gets broken? It’s the tissue known as the tunica albuginea, which cover the corpora cavernosa. Fracturing it requires that it be hit with great force or thrust against a hard object at great force. And it can only occur when the penis is erect; when flaccid, it is not rigid enough to break.
Semen is a nutritious drink.
Essentially a myth. Sure, semen does have some nutrients, as does practically every food or drink. But its nutritional benefits are really minor. Trying to convince a partner to swallow on the basis of its nutritional assets is a losing argument.
Most penises have slept with dozens of sex partners.
Myth. While men like to brag about all the women they have had sex with, surveys indicate that the average man only sleeps with about 6-8 women in his lifetime. And about 20% of men have only one sex partner their entire lives.
One of the most important penis facts to remember is the importance of penis health. And it’s not on the myths list that a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can provide many vitamins and nutrients that are valuable in keeping the penis healthy. When selecting a crème, take time to inspect the ingredients. Does it have a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E? It’s important to get a good “bang for the buck” in terms of the vitamins available to the penis. It’s also helpful if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that keeps free radicals at bay and thereby helps ensure healthier penis skin.