The savvy man will do almost anything to ensure the best penis health. He will pursue top-notch penis care, giving his favorite equipment the right kind of attention on a regular basis. He will immediately notice any problems that might arise. He will come to know his penis as well as he knows any other part of his body – in fact, he might even know it much better than the rest!
But even the most conscientious man might scoff at the thought of going to the doctor for an annual exam. He feels great, so why bother with that extra medical bill? He doesn’t have any problems that need addressing. And he certainly doesn’t have any penis problems that would warrant letting a doctor poke around down there, in his most intimate areas.
But in fact, a regular medical exam is a must for the man who wants to ensure that his health is truly where it should be. Sometimes dispelling the myths and questions surrounding the medical exam can be enough to convince a man to head to the doctor’s office and get this necessary checkup.
Shedding light on the medical exam
Many men have questions about what happens during a medical exam, especially when penis health is involved. Here’s the scoop.
1. A gown is a great cover-up. A doctor will need to see the entire body in order to perform a proper physical. This means a man will be asked to strip down to nothing and then cover up with a gown. However, that gown is often very roomy. The doctor will only uncover one part of the body at a time when doing the exam, to allow for maximum modesty.
2. There will be questions. There will be so many questions, in fact, that a guy might get tired of answering them. But a physical means getting all the information, so a doctor will chat during the physical, about everything from weight and eating habits to family history and yes, penis health care regimens.
3. There might be a prostate exam. This is the part that makes many men squeamish, and might keep them from going to the doctor altogether. But keep in mind that the prostate exam is very quick, with very little pain, and gives the doctor valuable information about penis health. A prostate exam is usually performed with one gloved finger inserted into the anus, with lots of lube, giving the doctor a brief moment to ensure there is no prostate enlargement.
4. Erections might happen. Sometimes a man will have an erection during his physical. That is perfectly normal. Every doctor has seen it happen, and will not be surprised in the least. Remember, a physician is very aware of all the natural functions of the human body, and will take an erection in stride, probably with never mentioning it at all.
5. This exam needs to happen every year. After the first medical exam, it’s a sure bet a man will be much more familiar with what happens in the doctor’s office, and much more comfortable with the physician. The first visit is always the most nerve-racking, but after that it becomes much easier. A guy can easily build a great rapport with his doctor and then be comfortable talking about things that he might not want to talk to anyone else about – this is a sign of a great patient-doctor relationship.
When giving the doctor details about penis care regimens, don’t hesitate to talk about the daily use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins, including vitamins A, B5, C and D, as well as helpful amino acids. These great ingredients wrapped up in a Shea butter and vitamin E base can help ensure great penis health throughout a man’s life.