From time to time, it’s a good idea for a man to undergo an STD screening. This is true if a man is enjoying the company of more than one sexual partner, if he isn’t sure that his partner is monogamous (or if he is not), or if he’s thinking about unprotected sex with a steady partner for the first time. Men should consider STD screening an integral part of penis care, not something that can be overlooked or put off!
What happens during an STD screening?
For many men, the thought of a strange messing around with their junk is the stuff of nightmares – even if that inspection happens in a medical setting. Here’s what a guy can expect:
1. A ton of questions. A guy will be asked a multitude of questions, and some of them might seem to be asking for ‘too much information.’ A doctor will need to know about a man’s sexual history, how many partners he has had recently (or ever), what kind of sexual activity he engages in and any health issues that might have arisen during those encounters. The doctor will ask blunt questions and expect frank answers. This is not the time to be coy!
2. A physical examination. A guy can expect to have his equipment explored a bit by the physician. This will include a visual examination for any lesions, irritations, bumps, bruises, sores and the like. It will also include a physical examination in which the doctor will touch the penis and surrounding area. The goal is to find any lumps or bumps that can’t be seen, only felt.
3. Swabs and urine tests. During an STD screening, the doctor might want to take samples for examination by a laboratory. In order to do this, swabbing is typically used. This means using an instrument that looks very much like a Q-tip, passing it over and around any questionable areas to pick up a variety of cells from that area, and then sending those cells to the lab for examination. A man might also be used to provide a urine sample.
4. Blood testing. Blood tests are extremely helpful in STD screening, as they pick up infections that might be latent in the body – meaning that there are no outward signs of it at the moment. Herpes is a good example of this. A man who is having an active outbreak shows signs of the problem, but during the times between outbreaks, it can be impossible to tell a man has herpes simply by looking at him. A blood test, however, can reveal the truth.
5. More invasive examinations. A man who is dealing with a particular issue might undergo more invasive testing. For instance, a guy who engages in regular anal play and complains of bleeding or pain in that area might be examined there to figure out what the problem might be. However, rest assured that the doctor will be gentle and try to cause as little embarrassment as possible. Doctors have seen it all, so nothing a guy says will shock them or make them view him differently.
Staying healthy
A man who is worried about STDs should take special care to prevent the problem by using condoms whenever he has sex with a new partner, ensuring he is in a monogamous relationship before going without protection, and getting STD screening on a regular basis, regardless of his relationship status.
When it comes to penis health, a man can also make great strides toward better penis care with a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Though no crème can prevent a sexually transmitted disease, the regular application of a crème indicates good penis hygiene; and that means a man will be faster to catch the first signs of an STD if he does contract one. A guy should look for a luxurious combination of Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as other nutrients and vitamins, to ensure his penis skin stays in tip-top shape.