The condom has a long history as a means of birth control, as well as a good way to provide penis protection from sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and so is a basic component of good penis health. Certainly, there are other options available for birth control, but they may not provide much in the way of penis protection – so using a condom is essential for men who are sexually active, especially in a non-monogamous situation.
Yet, despite the fact that condoms are so important to penis health, statistics tell us that men do not use them as often as they should. One study found that only 35% of men surveyed used a condom during their last casual sex encounter. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions state that only 19% of men always use a condom – however, since those figures include men who are in monogamous relationships, it’s hard to determine the percentage of use among men in non-monogamous situations, who are more likely to need penis protection from STIs.
Since penis protection and condom use are closely linked, why is it that many men often do not make use of this form of protection? There are many reasons, including:
– Unavailability. Sometimes a man becomes involved in a sexual encounter that is entirely unplanned – and therefore neither he nor his partner may have immediate access to a condom. Of course, in many (though not all) such situations, there is the option to go out and buy a condom; however, most couples don’t want to spoil the mood to do this and so will opt not to. This is one reason why many men carry a condom with them in their wallets, as an emergency back-up. However, this, too, can present problems. Condoms come with a shelf life, and sometimes condoms stored in a wallet for years have a higher risk of breaking during use.
– Difficulty in putting on. Some men find it difficult to put a condom on properly, or find that it takes longer than they want it to. This can cause embarrassment and anxiety, which can in turn create a situation in which he may find it difficult to maintain his erection – and that can cause further embarrassment and anxiety. Past experiences like this can make it less likely a man will employ a condom.
– Interference with sensitivity. Some men find that condoms, though they are made of very thin material, may diminish the pleasurable sensations their penises experience during sex.
– Improper fit. This is a very frequent complaint. While some guys find the condom too tight, it more often is too long and/or loose. One recent survey found that 83% of US men had penis lengths that are shorter than the average condom (which has typically measured at least 6.69 inches). This survey found the average penis length to be 5.57 inches; a more expansive earlier global survey pegs the figure at 5.17 inches. In either case, the condoms are substantially longer than the average penis, making them looser and more likely to fall off or cause discomfort.
Whatever the reason for non-use, men need to make a greater effort to use a condom, especially for penis protection in instances in which there is even a slight possibility of STI transmission.
In addition to using a condom, men can help enhance everyday penis protection by enhancing penis health. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can keep penis skin healthy and resistant to dermatological issues. A crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) helps keep the skin from drying out and cracking. And a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antixodiant, can battle free radicals that can cause damaging oxidative stress to the delicate penis skin.