When it comes to penis pain, men will often do anything possible to avoid it. In most cases, penis pain and other penis problems can be avoided with simple attention to good penis care. But if a man ever does deal with the surprise of penis pain that just won’t go away, it behooves him to know exactly what is causing the pain and how to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Common reasons for penis pain
Understanding the most common reasons for penis pain can help a man figure out how to avoid it, or at least how to treat it when it does happen. Here are the most common culprits:
1) Simple chafing. This can happen for numerous reasons, as most men can attest. Chafing can result from anything from biking to running to horseback riding to sexual relations without enough lube. Chafing can be alleviated by the use of special lubes or powders for athletics, as well as the use of adequate lubrication during sexual intercourse.
2) Irritation. Irritation can occur when the penis encounters anything that might be an allergen, such as a new detergent or even a partner’s perfume. It can also happen when a man encounters a rough surface against the delicate penis skin, such as when he goes commando and his penis rubs against the fabric of his pants. As soon as a man pinpoints what causes the irritation and resolves the issue, the penis pain should go away.
3) A variety of injuries. From the harsh, sudden injuries that can occur during contact sports to the repetitive injuries that might occur from masturbating a little too much, a guy can injure his penis in a variety of ways. The good news is that a man usually notices a penis injury immediately, which helps him avoid further penis problems by seeking immediate attention.
4) Sexually transmitted infections. Those who contract a sexually transmitted infection might suffer from significant penis pain. This pain can ‘ramp up’ over the span of a few days or get worse over the span of weeks or months. Penis pain that won’t go away and is accompanied by other signs that might indicate an infection should be seen by a physician.
5) Other infections. Some infections aren’t necessarily caused by sexual transmission but can cause significant penis pain regardless. These include yeast infections, urinary tract infections, kidney infections and the like. Infections like these often include other symptoms as well, such as itching or a high fever. When in doubt, always talk to the doctor.
6) Balanitis. This often happens to uncircumcised men who have been a bit lax in the hygiene department. This infection can include swelling, pain, itching, and a discharge from the area under the foreskin. Treatment includes keeping the area very clean, including showering and carefully cleaning the penis at least a few times a day until the symptoms subside.
7) Phimosis. A less common issue on this list, phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin can’t be retracted without pain. Though it usually happens to younger men and boys, it might also occur in adults, especially if there has been some sort of injury or scarring to the foreskin and area around it. A doctor’s help will be needed to remedy this penis problem.
Many infections and other penis pain issues can be avoided by keeping the skin very well-hydrated. In order to do this, a man should reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crèmes will contain a powerful combination of Shea butter and vitamin E. Shea butter is proven as a high-end emollient and is used in numerous creams and lotions. Vitamin E works well with Shea butter to enhance the softness of skin. Avoiding dry skin can help a man keep many penis problems at bay.