Penis sensitivity is something most men simply take for granted. They know that when their penis is touched and stroked (whether by a partner or by themselves), their body experiences the tremendous sensations that make sex so exciting and enjoyable. Clearly, penis sensitivity is crucial for a man’s sex life and he will want to be sure he maintains excellent penis health in order to help maintain a proper level of penis sensation. And it may be that some surprising factors – such as diet – can have an impact in this area.
Penis sensitivity
Why is the penis so prone to extreme sensations anyway? For the same reason that any part of the body demonstrates a tendency to react to stimulation: nerves. The neural network runs throughout the body. Nerve endings are near the surface of the skin and they pick up stimulation – a touch on the arm, a kick in the pants, a stroking of the penis – and send a signal back to the brain that something is going on. The brain sends a signal back so that a man turns around to the touch on the arm, yells “Ouch” to the kick in the pants, and sighs and moans at the stroking of the penis.
The penis tends to have many more nerve endings per square inch than other parts of the body. Because penis skin is so thin (especially when the penis is erect and the skin is stretched out), those nerve endings are more receptive to stimulation – thus the higher degree of penis sensitivity compared to other parts of the body.
Because of that sensitivity and the pleasure it affords, men really like to have their penis fondled. Sometimes, though, when a man is in pursuit of orgasm through penile stimulation, he may find himself in situations where the all-important friction is a little too much. Perhaps he is engaging in intercourse without appropriate lubrication or he’s furiously masturbating with a grip that is extremely tight. Short term, these activities produce the desired result – a tremendous orgasm – but over time, they may “mute” the degree of sensitivity in the organ. When that happens, there’s a somewhat “deadened” sensation that can interfere with a guy’s sexual enjoyment.
So why should what a guy eats have any effect on how sensitive his penis is? Basically because what we eat has an effect on all parts of our bodies and lives – including the penis. Research has indicated that diets with vitamins B12 and E, as well as folate, help increase sensitivity all over. So if a man has reduced penis sensitivity, he may want to up his intake of these nutrients.
What foods are good for vitamins B12 and E and folate? Lots of dairy products contain B12, as do many kinds of seafood – and liver is especially high in B12. Meanwhile, spinach is a winner for both folate and vitamin E. Folate is also found in many other green vegetables, as well as citrus fruits. And vitamin E is abundant in many nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts) and oils (olive oil, wheat germ oil, etc.), as well as trout and salmon.
Meanwhile, avoiding fatty foods is good for penis sensitivity. Cholesterol dampens nerve endings, so watch those high-fat foods, especially when eating red meat.
Diet can help maintain penis sensitivity, but more help may be required. That’s where regularly using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) comes in handy. Select a crème that contains L carnitine, an amino acid with neuroprotective properties and can help restore loss of sensation. It also helps if the crème contains L-arginine, an ingredient which helps produce the nitric oxide that keeps penis blood vessels open and flowing.