When a guy pays really good attention to his penis health, he often sports a penis that is truly something to be proud of. For many men, sharing that good looking, healthy penis with a steady partner or partners is all the reward he needs for his conscientious efforts. But some guys want others to witness the fruits of their labors and so may seek other avenues – such as a sex party.
Of course, attending a sex party has the potential to negatively affect penis health, so guys need to be careful not to let all their good efforts fall by the wayside for one wild night. With that in mind, the following are some tips about having fun at a sex party.
Come prepared. Be a good boy scout and bring protection. Just as a guy doesn’t want to jeopardize his healthy penis on a one-on-one date, he definitely wants to be prepared for what potentially could be a multi-partner sexual experience. Of course, for many guys a sex party may mean one partner and one ejaculation – but he should be prepared for more than that. Bringing along a number of condoms is recommended, even if he is told that condoms will be provided. After all, the host’s condoms may not be the proper size or fit, or he may not have stocked up enough on them.
Switch coverings with different partners. If a guy ends up having penetrative sex with more than one partner, he ideally should use a new condom with each partner. This doesn’t really have an impact on his penis health, but it could help protect his partners. It is possible for the exterior of the condom to pick up something (such as a yeast infection) and pass it on to the next partner – so changing is recommended.
Decide on personal boundaries in advance. At a party where it is common to engage in simultaneous sex with multiple partners, a man may be asked to have sex with someone with whom such activity might prove uncomfortable. For example, a straight man may be asked to perform sexually with a bisexual or gay male, or a gay male may be asked to join in sexually with a woman. There’s nothing wrong with a person exploring or experimenting with a new sexual experience; but if there are boundaries he is not prepared to cross, a guy needs to know what they are and be prepared to politely decline any invitations that would cause him discomfort.
Manage expectations. Not every sex party is an orgy, and not every guy gets to have the degree of sex he wants at every party – especially when he is a newbie. Try to find out in advance what can reasonably be expected and what the ground rules are. And remember that even at a sex party that seems very uninhibited, “no” still means “no.”
Every sex party experience is different, and they’re not always for everyone – even when a guy has a handsome, healthy penis he wants to share with others. But guys that attend a sex party should take a little extra care to present their member in the best light, which requires regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil,which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Dry penis skin is going to be a turn-off, so be sure the crème contains a combination of moisturizing ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E. In addition, the penis skin needs to be toned and healthy looking, so find a crème with both alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C, which help keep that skin looking beautifully healthy.