Hitting the slopes during the winter is one of the most invigorating things a guy can do, and one of the reasons why snow skiing is such a popular sport. Whether a novice or a pro, the thrill of taking to the snow truly gets the blood pumping. And that’s especially true for the rare and hardy breed of men who engage in the practice of naked skiing. It’s definitely not an activity for everybody, but many who do it swear by it. Of course, any dude contemplating nude skiing needs to take some basic penis protection steps in order to maintain proper and adequate penis care.
A revival
Although there’s no hard historical evidence, it’s likely this recent resurgence in unclothed skiing is not necessarily a new thing. Nudists have been engaging in naked outdoor activities for centuries (if not much longer), and it’s likely that many braved the cold in their birthday suits while slaloming along a mountain.
But with modern laws in place, it’s not easy for a guy to just decide to strip off and ski down a trail without getting arrested for indecent exposure. People who are interested in exploring the activity – and who don’t have their own private mountain that they can ski down in any state in which they wish – are advised to search out organized naked skiing activities.
Of course, with the internet, that’s not so hard to do. A quick search will turn up places like Silverton Mountain in Colorado, where there are options that – at least on certain days – include nudist skiing.
But what about penis protection while on the slopes? For the adventurous male skier willing to let it all hang out, here are a few things to consider:
– Leave it to the pros. There’s absolutely nothing that says a total beginner can’t ski in the buff. But beginners tend to have a greater chance of falling (and falling more often) than those with experience. And the more a guy tumbles in the snow, the colder his penis is going to get.
– Considering pacing. If a guy is committed to being stark naked in snowy weather, he can still ease himself into it. In other words, spend some time in advance acclimating. Turn the air conditioning up in the house and walk around naked indoors for a few days in advance. If there’s snow on the ground, bring a little indoors and apply it (briefly) to the penis to get it used to the sensation.
– Keep it on until the top. There’s no reason to doff clothes and ride the T-bar to the top of the hill butt naked. Stay clothed until at the top and then disrobe. Not only will the skier feel better, but so will whoever uses the lift after him.
– Be prepared. The penis is going to be exposed to some extremes – very cold weather, which may also be very dry. But at the same time, there may be bright, beating sunshine. And falls will make it cold and wet. The penis – as well as the rest of the body – needs to be lathered in both sunscreen and moisturizer, and the skin needs to be toweled off and perhaps re-moisturized when the run is over.
Finally, penis protection doesn’t just start on the day a guy goes naked skiing; he needs to be sure the penis is in good overall health in advance. That requires regular application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The penis skin needs to be strengthened, so be sure to select a crème that includes a wide range of health-bearing vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid will fight free radicals, strengthening the skin against the ravages of oxidative stress.