Obesity is quickly becoming a serious public health crisis. But while many people know that obesity can lead to certain problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, many aren’t aware of some of the other, more hidden dangers of being overweight. While many men who are carrying extra pounds still have a quite satisfying sex life and run into no problems with penis care, there are also those who have encountered more than a few penis problems. Here’s what a man needs to know about maintaining a healthy penis in the face of obesity.
Ways obesity can affect penis health
Though it’s obvious by now that obesity affects several body functions, including the heart, just how does it affect a man’s time in the sack? Here’s how.
1) He doesn’t have as much stamina. A man who is carrying extra weight can often become fatigued faster than a guy of the proper weight, and that is never more obvious than in the bedroom. A guy might notice that as he puts on the pounds, he has more trouble breathing during heavy sexual activity and he might need to stop an enjoyable session before he wants to, just because his body can’t quite keep up the pace.
2) He might develop skin problems. When someone is obese, he might have “rolls” of skin that rub together. Those areas can lead to redness, rashes and even infection if he’s not extremely careful about hygiene. In addition, skin problems are common among those who have underlying problems, such as uncontrolled diabetes, as they make certain infections more common.
3) He might suffer from nerve damage. The nerves of the penis – and the rest of the body, for that matter – are very delicate and ready to respond to the slightest touch or sensation. But for those with obesity, the excess weight can put too much pressure on the nerves, leading to a deadening of sensation or even some measure of pain. Those who have problems with blood flow as a result of the pressure might also suffer from loss of sensation.
4) He might not be able to get it up. Everyone knows heart problems are the norm with obesity, but many men don’t think about the fact that a healthy heart is required for a healthy penis – specifically, that great blood flow is a must to get and maintain erections. Those who are too heavy might notice that their erections are no longer as strong as they once were, or that they don’t last as long as they once did.
5) He might seem to be “smaller” than he used to be . No, the penis doesn’t actually get smaller, but it can certainly look like it has. Why? Because every man has a “fat pad” right above his penis. When a guy is fit, he doesn’t notice this area at all. But as a guy gains weight, that fat pad becomes bigger, and eventually it protrudes enough to make the penis look smaller. This can affect what a partner thinks the first time she lays eyes on the equipment.
6) He might get depressed. Self-esteem is vitally important for anyone, and a guy who is suffering in that area might suffer in other ways, too. When a man starts to feel trapped by the extra weight and feels as though losing it is hopeless or will take far too long, he might become depressed, anxious, withdrawn, and a whole host of other things that don’t bode well for his relationships.
When a man is dealing with too much weight, keeping a healthy penis might be enough incentive to help a man start losing it. To avoid penis problems in the meantime, a guy should reach for a great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every day. The right crème will contain amino acids like L-carnitine and L-arginine, which work together to help improve blood flow as well as protect nerve function.