There are many articles out there about penis sensation, but few of them answer the fundamental question: Just what is really good penis sensation? After all, a guy only knows what he feels – he has no idea what his best friend or neighbor feels when it comes to penis sensitivity. Given that, how can he know if he has adequate penis sensation in the first place?
Of course, a man can usually tell when his penis sensation begins to decrease from what it was in the beginning. He might find that he doesn’t respond as quickly to touches, takes longer to reach a climax and finds that he has to go further to get the same response from masturbation or coupling as he did before.
The good news is that there are some benchmarks a man can take into account to determine whether his penis sensitivity is where it should be – as well as help him decide whether he has lost a bit of sensation along the way. This is best done with a partner, if possible. Here’s how.
1) Start in a standing or sitting position. With eyes closed and penis erect, a guy should run his fingertips over the penis, starting at the base and working his way to the tip. He should take note of any spots where the touch seems a bit “less” or doesn’t give him the same “zing” as other spots do. If a certain spot feels numb or has very little sensation, note that as well.
2) Now do the same thing, but with a small ice cube. The idea is to determine which areas of the penis respond best to temperature changes. If there is an area that is far too sensitive for the ice, that’s just fine! The idea is to look for places where the ice isn’t a bother, or where the skin doesn’t seem to register just how cold the sensation really is. Make note of any places that feel this way.
3) Finally, let the penis warm up a bit and do the same test with a soft feather. Note any areas where the touch of the feather isn’t felt, or where it doesn’t seem to be as strong as in other places.
Obviously, there will be some places where the sensation is a bit less; for instance, it’s perfectly normal for penis sensation at the base of the shaft to be much less than the sensitivity at the tip of the penis. But when a man notices areas that don’t give him any pleasure at all, or where he can’t feel the touch of his hand, ice cube or feather, those indicate that penis sensation might be lacking.
How to improve penis sensation
So what does this all mean? It might simply mean that the penis has had some rough handling and needs a few weeks to recover. Many men will find that giving it a little time will help the nerves recover and restore penis sensation.
But if that’s not the case, it’s time to visit the doctor and look for the underlying causes. These might include circulatory problems (especially if a man is overweight), neurological issues that affect the nerves of the penis, or simple thickening of the skin caused by too much friction – such as callouses that appear on hands and feet over time. The doctor can recommend ways to counter all these issues.
To help ensure the best penis function possible, a guy should always do what he can to keep the penis healthy. To that end, he should reach for a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains L-carnitine is especially helpful, as this powerful amino acid is proven to help preserve the delicate nerve endings that make an erect penis so enjoyable.