As many readers know, penis health can be a bit complicated. Some of it is easy and directly involves the penis, such as caring for dry penis skin or checking for signs of sexually-transmitted infections. Other times, penis care may relate to parts of the body beyond the organ itself. Such is the case with spinal cord injuries, which have the potential to impact penis health, sometimes significantly.
The spinal cord
The spinal cord is “a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the medulla oblongata in the brainstem to the lumbar region of the vertebral column. The brain and spinal cord together make up the central nervous system (CNS).” Its primary function is the transmission of nerve signals throughout the body, as well as helping to coordinate the body’s reflexes.
Sexual response depends upon the body’s ability to transmit messages along the spinal cord. So, if the spinal cord gets injured, it can potentially bring about penis issues for a man.
Sexual problems
Most often, the penis issues that can result from a spinal cord injury are erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory problems.
Erections tend to be classified in three categories:
– Psychogenic. This is the kind of erection that comes about from thinking sexually stimulating thoughts or viewing erotic imagery.
– Reflexogenic. This erection occurs when the penis is physically stimulated, as when it is stroked by someone or orally aroused.
– Spontaneous . These erections generally occur due to some internal stimuli, such as having a bladder that is full of urine.
Exactly which part of the spinal cord is damaged and how badly the injury is will determine which type of erection is affected and to what degree. In some cases, erection is not affected, while in others erection is impeded but still possible. In other cases, it is unlikely a man will have erections at all.
In some very rare cases, a spinal cord injury may result in priapism, a situation in which a man experiences a very painful erection that will not deflate.
Some spinal cord injuries bring about a situation called anejaculation, in which a man is unable to ejaculate. Another possible side effect is retrograde ejaculation, in which semen is diverted into the bladder rather than leaving through the urethra.
Spinal cord injuries can be very serious and affect many parts of the body. Treatments for sexual issues related to spinal cord injury vary in their effectiveness, depending upon the specifics of the injury. However, here are some of the typical treatment options:
– Oral medication , such as sildenafil, which is frequently used in treating erectile dysfunction in men. In men with spinal cord injuries, there is a good success rate.
– Injections. Some men respond to having medication injected directly into the penis in order to achieve an erection.
– Vacuum pumps. These devices fit snugly around the penis and then create a vacuum, which draws blood into the penis to encourage an erection.
– Implants. Penile prostheses replace parts of the penis with artificial elements which can be easily triggered to expand.
Spinal cord injuries can bring about significant penile challenges for a man. However, no matter the degree to which sexual function may be altered, a man still needs to regularly use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help maintain his overall penis health. The best crèmes will contain ingredients, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, which can help keep the penis skin hydrated and less prone to flakiness. The crème should also contain vitamin A, which has specific antibacterial properties that fight the bacteria responsible for unwanted persistent penis odor.