Constipation is not something that people like to talk about, let alone experience, but it is unfortunately a fact of life for many people. Surprisingly, this digestive condition can potentially have an impact on some men’s penis health, although certainly not all men who have constipation will suffer negative effects on their penis function. Nevertheless, because it does happen to some men, it’s good for guys to know about this constipation connection.
About the condition
According to the Mayo Clinic, constipation is “infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persists for several weeks or longer.” Generally, people who regularly experience fewer than three movements per week are considered constipated. Typically, their stools are hard and lumpy, which can add to the difficulty in passing them.
Why should this unfortunate problem have an effect on penis function? In order to pass stools when constipated, a person typically engages in a considerable amount of strain. The strain creates internal pressure, including in the perineum, which is the section of the body between the genitals and the anus. The perineum has quite a few blood vessels and nerve endings, and the excess strain can damage them.
Although the nerves in the perineum are not directly on the penis, they are part of the signaling pathway that sends messages between the penis and the brain. When they are damaged, it can interfere with the proper processing of these messages, which can lessen the degree of erectile function.
Similarly, when the perineal blood vessels are damaged, it can prevent proper blood flow from reaching the penis when an erection is desired. Lessened blood flow may result in decreased penis function – a “softer” erection, or in some severe cases a lack of a viable erection altogether.
Prevention and treatment
So constipation can potentially interfere with premium penis function. What can a man do to prevent this condition?
Although there are some neurological or physical conditions that can lead to constipation (and which need to be addressed through diagnosis and treatment), very often there are some lifestyle factors which come into play, especially diet and physical activity.
In terms of diet, constipation often results from diets which are lacking in sufficient fiber. High fiber food, such as bran, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, and beans, can be very good at preventing constipation. Cutting back on foods that are low in fiber – such as milk and dairy products, as well as meats – can also help. Working with a nutritionist is a good way to determine a better diet.
It’s also important to drink plenty of water; proper hydration helps keep constipation away. Getting a proper amount of exercise also is a big aid.
If a person does develop constipation, a doctor will recommend the above prevention options as treatment. He may also recommend the use of a laxative, or may opt for a prescription medication to help add water to the digestive system. In rare cases, surgery may be pursued as an option, if the constipation is long-lasting and severe.
Constipation is no one’s favorite subject, but knowing of its possible effect on penis function makes it a subject for any man interested in penis health. Such men should already be daily using a high quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to maintain general penis health. The best such cremes are those which provide a wide range of vitamins to the penis, including A, B5, C, D and E, all of which can provide benefits to the penis. The creme should also include L-carnitine, an amino acid which has neuroprotective properties and which can therefore help maintain proper penis sensitivity over the long run.