Often when focusing on penis health, guys are more concerned with what can keep the penis in good working order or make it look even more awesome than it already is (if such is possible). But penis health can also refer to other penis-related matters – such as a guy’s sperm. The condition of one’s sperm becomes even more important when a man gets down to the brass tacks of starting a family. So let’s take a little look at some tips that can help a guy boost his sperm health game.
– Kick the butts. Even with the enormous amount of information that proves smoking is bad for a person’s health, too many guys still continue to puff away. But if a man won’t quit for any other reason, he really needs to do so for the sake of his future fatherhood – and of his future children. Smoking has been demonstrated to have a negative effect on both sperm count (the number of sperm) and motility (basically the speed with which sperm move), both of which can impact chances of pregnancy. In addition, smoking can damage DNA, which can make it harder to get pregnant and can have consequences for children formed. Smoking causes sperm damage, but it’s not permanent: most guys who quit see a return to “normal” in their sperm in about three months.
– Get zinc. Zinc helps improve testicular health, as well as sperm count, shape and motility. If a guy is deficient in zinc, he should speak with a doctor about what he can do to get his levels up.
– Get physical. Maintaining a proper exercise routine not only keeps a guy healthier, it helps with sperm production. But moderation is key: when a guy exercises, testosterone gets released, which helps get the sperm factory moving. But if a guy goes overboard with exercise, he starts to actually lose testosterone – so exercise at a sensible rate. (And check with a doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.)
– Watch the toxins. Sperm are actually kind of delicate, and they react poorly to exposure to toxins. Guys who are exposed to pesticides, paint strippers, solvents, heavy metals, etc. can find their sperm count dropping. Avoid toxins as much as possible, and if exposed to them, shower and change clothes as soon as possible.
– Eat right. Diet affects everything, including sperm. Cutting down on alcohol and caffeine can help, as can eating foods that are high in sperm-friendly ingredients (like zinc, folate, vitamins C and D, etc.) Some foods to consider include oysters, crabs, dairy products, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, oily fish like salmon, and mushrooms. (Working with a nutritionist is a good way to figure out what changes to make in the diet.)
– Keep the balls cool. The balls work best when they don’t get overheated – but wearing tight underwear underneath a pair of trousers tends to create a bit of an oven effect which discourages proper sperm production. Wearing loose, cotton boxers tends to make it easier for the balls to do their sperm creation job more properly.
Sperm production and condition is only one aspect of penis health, of course – but in general proper penis care can make it easier for sperm to be developed properly. And good penis health is enhanced by regular use of a high level penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should be sure to select a good crème that contains vitamins C and D. The former is a key component of collagen, which gives penis skin its tone and elasticity. The latter is the so-called miracle vitamin, lauded for its proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.