It’s the age-old question – Does penis size really matter? From a very young age, boys are obsessed with their penises. As they grow older, that relationship only develops and grows. Watching adult films, lots of time in locker rooms, and penis competitions has given penis size a lot of importance and that can make a man anxious and lose confidence. However, while there are some people who prefer a larger unit, the majority of people don’t. They are more interested in the person, their values, actions, and sexual generosity than the size of their trouser snake. Skeptical? Read on to see the proof in the penis size pudding.
Survey Says
Researchers at UCLA and Cal State LA published a report about women’s satisfaction rate with their partner’s penis. An overwhelming 84 percent reported being “very satisfied” with their man’s meaty appendage. Only fourteen percent had hopes of a bigger bulge while two percent would prefer something a bit smaller.
It’s All about Perspective
This same study took it to another level. The researchers went beyond their in-person sample and posted their survey questions on and received over 26 thousand responses from women between the ages of 18 and 65. While this group covers a wide demographic, the numbers themselves are staggering and relevant. Men also came out in droves to answer these questions, themselves just under 26 thousand (serendipity anyone?). It’s pretty interesting what researchers found out.
Of the male responses, two-thirds of them found their penises to be “average” which coincided with what women reported about their partners. Here’s where it gets interesting – women were only half as likely as men to call a partner’s penis small, in fact, more were likely to call it large. For instance, men who called their penis small ranked in at 12 percent; whereas, only six percent of women would call their man’s penis small. Men who described their member as large made up 22 percent and 27 percent of women called their man’s penis large. So, does penis size really matter to women? Probably not a whole lot if the numbers are the basis for the answer.
So, why do men evaluate their penises and what is it based on?
Penises Throughout History: Big Not Always Better
In today’s society, men are inundated with big, some may say insanely large, bulges looming in underwear ads, Magic Mike movies, and porn. However, it was not always this way. In fact, a large penis was not always a symbol of the ideal man (whatever that is).
In ancient Greece, figures in mythology with the biggest wangs would be the object of both mocking and negative view. Aristophanes would warn young men that if they didn’t behave, their penises would grow (starting to understand where the storyline from Pinocchio came from), while if they were good or reversed their naughty doings, they’d be able to keep a small penis.
It’s not just the ancient Greeks! Those lusty Italians also valued a small schmeckle during the Renaissance. Take one look at Michelangelo’s David and other male nudes from that period and you’ll see they are all proudly rockin’ gherkins. Back then, believe it or not, it was not the shaft that showed virility, but the scrotum. The bigger, fuller, and lower the balls, the more macho the man.
What changed all of this smaller is better love going around? Technology, of course. As soon as man could take a picture, roughly around 1840, he took a dick pic. Once they got those pictures in motion, porn was immediately behind it. No longer a valet for the testicles, the penis became the main focus and has remained so since.
Penis Plus: Other Stuff that Outweighs Penis Size
Clearly, size isn’t everything. Anecdotal accounts from women demonstrate that other things matter too. The first thing women bring up is it’s less about what he’s got and more about how he uses it. Good technique and effort make a big difference (something some women cite men with especially large penises lack because they are resting on their BD status). Other women would suggest that the size of a man’s tongue and his willingness and skill when using it is more predictive of sexual satisfaction.
A well-groomed penis is also much more attractive to a partner. Be sure to thoroughly clean and rinse the member daily and use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the penis strong and ready for action. This crème is particularly helpful as it contains vital ingredients designed specifically for penis health like vitamins A, C, D and E, and Shea butter for a smooth, supple penis.