While most men may shudder at the thought of someone calling their penis soft, it can really be a good thing. Not in regard to vigor, but when it comes to touch and feel. In a study published in 2015 by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, it was found that women overwhelmingly stated that the aesthetic appearance of the penis was the most desirable quality to them when assessing a man’s reproductive package. One aspect of the aesthetic is the smoothness, tone, and feel of the penis. It is a visual representation of a man’s health and personal care. Many men report that not only is a smooth penis healthy, but it is also more sensitive and responsive than one that is suffering from dry or thickened skin. While not substantiated in science, anecdotally women report being more “friendly” to a well-groomed penis than one with more questionable signs of wear, tear, and lack of care.
There are many ways to get a nice, silky-smooth penis and also a few things men shouldn’t do. Here’s the low-down on how to get a smooth penis the right way.
How to Get a Smooth Penis: What NOT to Do
Usually it isn’t good to start with the negative, but when it comes to penis exfoliation, there’s a need to get common misinformation out of the way first. Here are the things a man should not do when on their quest for the smoothest penis is the land:
1) Do not use an exfoliator. Things like apricot scrubs, salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, or scrubs with beads should be avoided at all costs.
2) Do not use a loofah, pumice stone (ouch!), or exfoliation glove.
3) Definitely do not use acid-based exfoliators. If it says acid, do not use. It doesn’t matter if it says gentle or low-concentration. It’s acid! A man wouldn’t dip his dick in a vat of acid—so, don’t apply cosmetic acids! Talk about a four-alarm fire that resists water.
Why not get a little aggressive with the exfoliating? Well, penis skin is extremely delicate in general and even more so on the tip. It also protects the body from foreign pathogens that can cause illness and infection, which surely isn’t pretty or healthy. When too roughly exfoliated, the skin gets microtears that invite bacteria into the body, which not only can invite infection and disease, but also can be quite painful and a little scary to look at.
How to Get a Smooth Penis: What to Do
These are tried-and-true tips that will get a man into smooth penis territory.
1) Use Gentle Cleansers – If it’s unpronounceable, it’s probably not a good thing to put on the penis. Use a soft washcloth or hands with warm water to suds up. Thoroughly rinse as to not leave residue behind. A natural baby wash is a wonderful choice for cleaning up the goods.
2) Work Those Erections! – Every muscle needs a regular workout, and the penis is no different. When it becomes erect, the penis is actually toning itself and stretching the skin naturally and activating the erectile tissue. The skin tones as a result. It’s also a great way to keep the penis healthy and active.
3) Incorporate Healthy Fats – Eat a diet that includes healthy, mono-saturated fats like avocados, olive oil, mackerel, and nuts. These special super fats keep skin elastic, soft, and plump. They nourish from the inside and show the results on the outside!
Using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) is also a great addition to daily grooming. These penis-specific crèmes are expressly formulated for the penis’ delicate skin, using natural bases like shea butter and vitamin E. These bases not only heal and hydrate the skin but also lock in moisture to preserve elasticity and softness. Choose a crème that also includes other ingredients like L-carnitine, which promotes penile sensitivity, and L-arginine, which increases blood flow to the penis for strong, firm erections.