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The Physiology of an Erection: How it Works and How to Keep Em Coming

Boners…how exactly do they happen? What does what to call the soldier to order? Let’s look at how a thought turns into a woody and all the ways to bring him down and keep him healthy.

The Physiology of an Erection: An Anatomy Lesson

Let’s start at the very beginning. To understand the physiology of an erection, it’s important to know the body parts that make the magic happen. The brain will actually be the impetus of the process. The penis has two chambers inside of it called the corpora cavernosa. They run the span of the organ and encompass a labyrinth of blood vessels shaped like cavernous spaces, or for those who like a simpler picture, like sponges. Then there is the tunica albuginea which is the membrane surrounding the corpora cavernosa. (the membrane surrounding the corpora cavernosa), helps to trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, sustaining the erection. Erection is reversed when muscles in the penis contract, stopping the inflow of blood and opening outflow channels.

The Physiology of an Erection: How it Begins

Okay, so those are the parts. Here are how they all work together:

1) A man sees something or someone he finds arousing, thinking about something arousing, or a stiff wind blows by and he’s aroused. Basically, something has made him think, “Hmmm. I’d like an erection right now.”

2) The brain sends nerve messages that begin to stimulate the penis.

3) The impulses from the brain and the local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax.

4) Blood flows in and fills all the open spaces.

5) This creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, so the penis expands and presto! An erection!

6) The tunica albuginea then traps the blood in to maintain the erection.

The Physiology of an Erection: Cumming to the Conclusion of an


So, the erection is had. Now there are two possible outcomes: ejaculation or letting the erection subside unused. Leaving it unused means it the brain stops sending the sexy signals to the area and nerves, and the eggplant wilts on the vine; back to whatever he was doing before. Now if ejaculation occurs, that’s something different.

Ejaculation is a reflex action coordinated by the central nervous system. It happens when the sexual act (with partner or solo) hits that critical point of no return and it happens in two phases. First, the vas deferens (which are the tubes that house and transport the sperm from the testes) starts contracting, squeezing the sperm to the base of the penis and prostate. This releases the secretions which are needed to make semen. This is the exact moment wherein ejaculation is truly unstoppable. In the second phase, the muscles residing at the base of the penis contract every 0.8 seconds (yes, scientists timed it) to project the semen forth in up to five bursts.

Penile Health: The Key to Strong Erections

Want strong erections in the snap of a finger? Of course! That’s why it’s important to make penis health a priority. Be sure to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise for ample heart health, eat a healthy diet, engage in some form of stress management, avoid smoking, get good, quality sleep and stay current on annual checkups.

Also, be sure keep the penis clean and strong. Bacteria and infection are more likely to infiltrate a warm, moist please, so it’s important to safeguard health by cleansing the penis every day and sometimes more, with warm water and a mild cleanser free of additives and harsh chemicals. Rinse well and pat dry with a soft towel or air dry. To finish off, moisturize the member with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Select a cream with vitamins like A, B, C, and D to promote health and a natural moisturizer that will soften the penis and keep it ready for handling.

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