Feeling a little hot in the knickers, men? Wait, not the good hot, the itchy-scratchy-burning-fiery-irritated hot. It’s a penis rash. Panic. Terror. A running tape of questions spin out of control in a man’s mind. What is this? How did this happen? Is it herpes? What is going on? How can I get rid of this?
Stop, breathe, and read. There are tons of reasons for a penis rash and most of them aren’t the worst-case scenario that immediately pops into a man’s head. Many are completely innocent, and all are in a man’s control to prevent in the future. Here’s a look at what’s causing that inconvenient penis rash, how to fix it, and how to avoid them in the future.
What’s Causing the Penis Rash Attack?
When it all gets red and scaly down below, many things could be at play. It could be as simple as too much activity in the region. Excessive lovemaking, especially if things have gone dry, can inflame the penis and lead to broken, dry skin. The same can be said for overly aggressive self-pleasure as well. Speaking of love rashes, nearly 20 percent of all people are allergic to latex. Condoms could be to blame (but don’t worry, there are plenty of alternatives on the market!). It could also be a fungal infection, like jock itch. Fungus loves to snuggle into a man’s warm, humid places, like the genital region, and wreak havoc, causing an itchy, painful rash on the penis. Sometimes plain old lack of hygiene is to blame. Smegma, the word that strikes fear in the hearts of many, will funk up the region and inflame skin (even make it peel) if a man isn’t keeping his Johnson clean. If it gets especially bad around the head of the penis, it may be balanitis.
Finally, it could be a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Let’s be honest – it’s the first thing that comes to mind when men spy a penis rash. STIs which can manifest an itchy rash on the penis include genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and syphilis. While each have their own accompanying symptoms, they all have penis rashes in common.
How to Treat Penis Rashes
First things first, stop any and all non-essential contact with the penis. That means no sex, solo-pleasure, or any other activities which could further irritate the area.
Next, the best way to start is to gently clean the penis with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser (think baby wash). Rinse thoroughly and air dry. Pat drying is also allowed, but air drying may feel best on a red and hot-to-touch rash on the penis.
Universally, cool compresses feel good no matter what the cause of the penis rash. Create a cool compress by submerging a soft, clean washcloth in cool water, wring it out, and place directly on the penis. When it stops being cool, repeat. While some men may think, “Hmmm…why don’t I just put an ice pack straight on my man meat?” it’s seriously not a good idea. For one, it’s too cold. Second, it can stick to the already traumatized skin resulting in more pain. Finally, it can damage the skin, which can lead to scar tissue down the road. Stay cool, literally.
Finally, for any reasons that require medical care or diagnosis, make an appointment immediately. It will only get worse if it’s not properly taken care of.
The Skinny on Preventing Penis Rashes
Penis rashes can be 95 percent avoided with good penis health care. Keep it clean and dry. Practice safe sex and get tested regularly if sexually active. Use a quality lube for all kinds of pleasure before friction gets intense. Also, practice some moderation when it comes to pleasure and clean up the goods after, every single time. Also, give the family jewels some room and air on a daily basis to avoid fungus or bacteria.
Finally, an outstanding way to promote penis health and keep penis rashes away is to moisturize the penis daily. Using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) can transform penile skin from red and flaking to soft and smooth. These types of cremes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins essential to penile health such as A, C, D, and E which have properties especially beneficial for treating rashes and keeping them away in the future.