Sure, it’s not generally part of the last rom-com you saw, but post-coital washing up is an essential part of having sex. There are a lot of misnomers out there, bad advice, and straight-up dangerous advice. However, there are certain post-sex penis care items a man should attend to in order to maintain a healthy penis that are easy and practical to do and take only a few short minutes. Let’s drill down on what a man should do once he does the nasty.
Post-Sex Penis Care: The “Why”
While some men would understand that it just makes sense, some other men will wonder why a post-coital cleanup on Aisle Wang needs to happen. Let’s break it down. The penis has two kinds of skin: mucosal skin and keratinized skin. Keratinized skin has a hard protective layer. Mucosal skin, on the other hand, does not. Think M&M’s – hard candy coating and a softer center. The mucosal skin produces specific acidic secretions to protect the penis (and the body) against infection. Some of these protectors can ironically irritate the delicate penile skin, so a man needs to clean up immediately after.
Next up, oral sex. Oral sex, at least good head, involves an ample amount of saliva to make the magic happen. Saliva, if third-grade health class is to be believed, contains enzymes that break down food. These same enzymes just lived on the penis for the last one to thirty minutes. Now, they won’t “eat it” away, but they can irritate it and make things uncomfortable.
Okay, now the biggie: anal sex. Poop has tons of irritants and bacteria in it. After all, it is waste material. Clean up needs to be even more thorough after this type of sex because of the many possible dangers that lay within.
Post-Sex Penis Care: Don’t Do This
Here’s a list of things a man should not do after sex to have a safe, healthy penis:
– Do not roll over and go right to sleep.
– Do not just pull the condom off and roll over and go right to sleep.
– Do not just wipe off the privates with the sex towel or nearby piece of clothing.
– Do not just wipe the area down with a baby wipe or antibacterial towelette.
– Do not soak the penis in any foreign agent like peroxide, rubbing alcohol, household cleaners, or other non-penis products. (This will also NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections.)
– Do not just put lotion on over the area.
Post-Sex Penis Care: Do This Instead
Here are all the doctor-approved things a man needs to complete for adequate post-sex penis care:
– First, urinate. This helps evacuate any bacteria or fluids that may have made it into the urethra.
– Next, step into the shower and set the water temperature to warm. If a man doesn’t want to jump in the shower, follow the same directions for the sink.
– Using a gentle cleanser, softly wash the penis. Be sure to include the entire reproductive area and get in all the folds and wrinkles. Carefully retract the foreskin and clean the area thoroughly.
– Rinse completely.
– Air dry or pat gently with a clean, soft towel.
– Complete the process by applying a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to protect and strengthen the penis. Look for crèmes that contain numerous vitamins and essential amino acids promoting elasticity and sensitivity and protecting against infection-causing bacteria.
After all is said and done, head back to bed for a snuggle and see if Round Two is in the cards now that the area is fresh and inviting for visitors again.