Every man wants a handsome penis, one that would play the leading man in a movie and make the ladies swoon – but how can he get it? It’s easy, and it all circles around penis health and grooming. Do just a few simple things every day and banish penis odor and unsightliness. Now here’s the best part: Once the man garden is beautifully aromatic and in bloom, visitors will love to drop by. Here are five easy tips for manifesting a truly handsome penis.
#1: Wash Up
While it seems obvious, the first step is to shower every day. Don’t just let the water drip down and passively clean the groin – get in there gently with a mild cleanser. Be thorough when cleaning the entire area. Gently pull back the foreskin and clean all the folds of skin. Don’t forget the undercarriage and the backdoor; they need attention too. Follow with a thorough rinsing.
#2: Give Him a Pat on the Head (and Everywhere Else)
A common mistake men make is that they rub the towel over their junk. Not only is this dangerous to the delicate skin down low, but it’s also ineffective. Instead, pat the area with a soft towel. Be sure to dry under the foreskin, in the folds, and in the area down below. The key is to get things totally dry so that it doesn’t attract germs.
#3: Trim the Hedges
It’s time to manscape. Pubic hair locks in penis odor, making a member very stinky, indeed. Accentuate the family jewels by giving the area a trim. There’s no need to shave (unless it’s personal preference) but keeping it high and tight is an excellent way to banish penis odor and make the area more hospitable for visitors.
A word about shaving this delicate area. Shaving can cause a host of problems like cuts, razor burn, ingrown hairs, and folliculitis, all of which do not make for a handsome penis. A man can lower his risk of these nasty side effects by following a few easy steps:
1) Clean the area with a face wash with salicylic acid (acne washes are a good pick) to prevent ingrown hairs.
2) Give the hairs at least five minutes under the water so they can soften, which makes removal easier.
3) Use a new razor.
4) Don’t go in unprotected…buy a quality shaving cream or oil. After the hair is soft, apply judiciously.
5) Shave. Avoid going over spots multiple times, as it can cause razor burn.
6) Rinse.
7) Clean the area with the salicylic face wash again.
8) Rinse and pat or air dry.
#4: Take a Powder
A little powder in the morning, especially in the sweltering heat, can keep a man from turning his handsome penis into a swamp crotch. Not only does a day’s worth of sweat fail at creating a handsome penis, but it is also a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.
Before getting ready, sprinkle a bit of powder in the general area, especially under the balls and in the inner thigh. It will soak up the sweat as well as prevent chafing. Use a powder that is talc- and aluminum-free, so it’s safe for your body.
#5: Go the Extra Mile for a Handsome Penis
Noticing itchy, flaky skin on the downstairs parts? It could be dry skin. Add a gentle crème to the daily regimen. Since penile skin is so delicate, it’s essential to use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to battle dryness and lock moisture into the skin. Use a crème with a shea butter base, which is all-natural and works well for even the most sensitive skin. The crème should also have tons of vitamins, like B and C, to strengthen the skin by promoting collagen production and tissue regeneration. By adding this extra step, a man rejuvenates and reinvigorates his penis and surely will have the most handsome penis on the block.