What is a small penis? Opinions vary, but it is now generally accepted that the average human penis size when erect is between 4 and 6 inches. And typically, anything 3 inches or below (when erect) could be considered small. And the vast majority of men – probably about 95% – fall within the 4- to 6inch range, meaning that the number of men with a truly small penis is low. And again, having a small penis does not mean that a man does not perform well in bed, especially if he has good penis health and is skillful with his equipment. But there are some men who suffer from a condition known as koro, a belief (almost always false) that their penis is shrinking and/or that their average or large penis is actually a small penis.
Koro is also known by its medical name, genital retraction syndrome (GRS). Technically, either sex can suffer from GRS, except that in women, there is an irrational fear that their breasts are shrinking. If a man has koro, he typically not only believes that his penis and balls are shrinking but that they are doing so in such a manner that they will soon disappear altogether. Alternatively, he may believe that he is in danger of losing his manhood through some other method, such as having it chopped off or having a witch pluck it and abscond with it.
That last explanation may seem laughable, but in many cases, a man who has koro does believe that there is some occult action at work causing these supposed troubles for his penis. Although koro has started being studied seriously only relatively recently, it has been around as an issue for centuries. And there have been instances – many more than originally known – in which koro inspires a “penis panic,” in which masses of men come to believe that their penis is in danger of being shrunken out of existence, cut off, or stolen.
Modern Day Issue?
Koro is thought to be less common in modern times, as fewer people nowadays believe in the occult and the supernatural than have in the past. However, it still exists and can still be a very strong and intense psychological illness for a person.
And it is a psychological or mental health issue. So, if a man does have a penis that is actually shrinking – due to, say, his having gained a lot of weight and the penis subsequently being partially buried in his fat pad – then he is not suffering from koro (unless he believes the shortened penis is due to the supernatural). But if a man has a penis that has not and is not shrinking but that he insists on believing really is, then he has koro and should seek out assistance from a mental health professional.
Treating Koro
So how is koro treated? It varies, depending upon the severity of the case and the specifics involved in the individual. Mental health counseling is usually involved; antidepressants or antipsychotics may be used as well, especially if the case is severe and is causing panic and/or anxiety attacks. Sometimes koro may be a symptom of a more expansive underlying mental health condition, and treating that condition may alleviate the koro issues.
Whether a man has a small penis, believes he has one due to koro, or possesses a penis of actual larger stature, he needs to take care of it by regular use of a top-drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for an oil that contains vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid), which is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue. The oil should also contain vitamin D, the so-called “miracle vitamin,” which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.