No, there’s nothing wrong with a penis that has some mild curvature to it; in fact, many partners prefer a penis that isn’t absolutely straight and feel that the curvature adds “character” to the organ. But when a bent penis has too much curvature – when it causes pain or is so severe that it interferes with proper sexual functioning – then a man usually has a condition called Peyronie’s disease, which can be a penis health concern. Many men with such a bent penis require treatment, and 1 option to pursue may be surgery of the penis.
About Peyronie’s disease
Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronie’s disease is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a “noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections.” That fibrous scar tissue usually results from some sort of injury or trauma to the penis. It may be a one-time incident, such as being kicked in the groin, or it may come about from repeated small wounds (such as rough handling of the penis by a partner on a regular basis).
There are several treatment options employed with Peyronie’s disease, although only one is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That FDA-approved drug, Xiaflex, is injected into the penis, where it helps dismantle some of the scar tissue. There are other drugs that have been used in treating a severely bent penis, but Xiaflex is the only one approved specifically for this purpose.
There are also oral options, meaning pills, which have been used with varying degrees of success. The same is true of penile traction devices, shockwave therapy, and electrical charge therapy.
Many men have undergone surgery to treat their Peyronie’s disease, although this is generally considered as an option only in very severe cases. Surgery is typically the most effective way of fixing the bent penis, but it also comes with risks (as do all surgical procedures). In addition, surgery can be an expensive option, especially for men whose insurance policies do not adequately cover the costs of the procedure.
There are several kinds of surgical procedures associated with treating Peyronie’s disease:
– Plication. The bending in Peyronie’s disease occurs because scar tissue (plaque) piles up in the traumatized area. The plaque has less flexibility than penile skin, and so it doesn’t stretch when the penis becomes erect, but the penis skin opposite it does. With plication, the skin opposite the plaque is “bunched up” so that it no longer bends – however, this does mean that the penis will be shorter than it was originally.
– Grafting. Unlike plication, grafting attempts to lengthen the shorter side of the penis. It does so by grafting fresh new skin from other parts of the body onto the “bunched up” scar tissue. The resulting penis is straighter and longer than the one afflicted with severe curvature.
– Implants. The final surgical option for Peyronie’s disease is penile implants, and this is generally reserved for men whose condition has resulted in serious erectile dysfunction. A plastic cylinder is inserted into the penis, which helps straighten the bend and which also enables the penis to achieve an erect state.
Whether surgery is used in treating a bent penis or not, a man will fare better if his penis is in its best health, which can be aided by regular use of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Those who care deeply about their penis health want to select an oil that includes a range of useful vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E. In addition, an oil with L-arginine can help create situations in which penile blood vessels are more receptive to increased blood flow.