It’s a sure bet that every man experienced penis irritation at some point in his life. It’s red, hot, swelling, and itchy. It could be massive or a teeny-tiny little red spot of lightening. Whatever it is, it’s painful. There are lots of things that can cause it, and a man should be mindful of them and try to avoid them whenever possible. Here are the top ten triggers for irritated penis skin and how to stop it from happening in the first place.
Penis Irritation Trigger #1: Allergic Reaction
One of the most common reasons for penis irritation, allergic reactions can cause redness, itching, rash, and irritation on the penis. Things that can cause allergic reactions include lube, condoms, laundry detergent, lotions, body wash, and basically anything that touches a man’s skin.
Penis Irritation Trigger #2: Ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are those little red bumps that are unbelievably sensitive and can deliver a wallop of pain. They can occur anywhere a man shaves, including his penile area. Rubbing or popping them can lead to infection.
Penis Irritation Trigger #3: Friction
Skin that gets too much contact with other skin or materials can cause friction, specifically friction burn or chafing. Things like wearing too-tight pants, masturbating without lube, or engaging in dry sex can all lead to friction burn.
Penis Irritation Trigger #4: Yeast infection
It’s not just for the ladies! Yeast infections produce a spotty, intensely itchy rash to appear on and around a man’s penis. A man may also notice a chunky, white substance in the genital area. It is also known as Candida.
Penis Irritation Trigger #5: Balanitis
Located on the head of a man’s penis, balanitis is a condition that causes inflammation. It is more often experienced by men and boys who have not been circumcised. It can also be caused by diabetes, an allergic reaction, an infection, or lax hygiene.
Other symptoms can include:
– swelling
– rash
– redness
– itching
– foul-smelling discharge
– Pain in general, and in urinating
Penis Irritation Trigger #6: Eczema
Over 31 million people in the US have some form of eczema. Eczema causes a flaky, red, itchy rash to appear on a man’s skin.
Penis Irritation Trigger #7: Genital Psoriasis
Genital psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that produces small, red patches to appear on a man’s penis. The skin may also appear shiny or scally and be itchy or sore.
Penis Irritation Trigger #8: Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen sclerosus is a rare skin condition that affects the reproductive and anal sections of a man’s body. This condition causes white, patchy skin to form on the penis. Secondary symptoms include redness, pain, itching, bleeding, blistering, or scarring that often affects the genital and anal regions of the body. It can cause patchy, white skin to form on the penis. Those with lichen sclerosus might experience redness, itching, pain, blistering, scarring, or bleeding. Doctors do not know what causes this condition.
Penis Irritation Trigger #9: Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can produce redness, itching, bumps, warts, blisters, sores, and swelling on or near the penis. Doctors have identified 20 potential STIs, all of which cause penis irritation. Some of the most common ones include genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and AIDS. STIs are spread by any kind of sexual contact.
Penis Irritation Trigger #10: Peyronie’s Disease
Peyronie’s disease is diagnosed when a man’s penis has a 20 percent or higher curve in the shaft. They can cause quite significant pain for a man when urinating, getting an erection, and having sex. While doctors don’t know yet exactly what causes Peyronie’s disease, built up scar tissue from previous penile traumas is believed to be a major factor.
Preventing Penis Irritation
There are lots of ways a man can avoid penis irritation. Many are actually very simple. One is, of course, practicing safe sex. The others are things hygienic. Here are a few habits every man should add to his grooming routine:
– Wash daily and after working out, masturbating, or sex
– Use a natural, mild cleanser. Baby wash is a great option.
– Pull back the foreskin when washing, and be sure to clean inside the folds.
– Rinse well.
– Air dry or pat dry with a soft towel.
– Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep penile skin fresh, soft, and ready for action. This crème will calm and soothe irritated skin afflicted with redness, itchiness, and discomfort. It will also fortify the skin and defend against infection. It’s a daily penis health habit every man should incorporate into his regimen ASAP.