Erectile dysfunction – 2 words that strike fear in the heart of any man. While it’s true that society likely places too much emphasis on the erect penis in many ways, it’s also true that erectile dysfunction can and does lead to issues that can impact a man’s enjoyment of sex and affect his relationship with his sexual partners in many different ways. Erectile dysfunction is one of the major penis health issues a man can face. But what diagnostic tests are generally employed to help determine if a man has erectile dysfunction (and perhaps tell a doctor a little more information)?
It comes up often
Erectile dysfunction is a problem that comes up fairly often. By some estimates, as many as 30,000,000 men suffer from erectile dysfunction, with half of men over the age of 40 experiencing it to some degree. (As many as 15 percent of men over the age of 70 are classified as having complete erectile dysfunction.)
Usually a man knows when he has erectile dysfunction, or at least a severe form of it, because he has experienced issues with attaining or maintaining an erection while in a sexual situation. Because of this, it may seem odd that diagnostic tests are needed for erectile dysfunction; however, such tools can give additional information to a physician that can better equip them to know how to recommend treatment.
Diagnostic tests
The first step will almost always involve going over a patient’s medical history, as well as asking questions about sexual matters and penis health.
Usually a number of routine tests will also be recommended, which may include:
– Blood test
– Urine test
– Serum creatinine test
– Glucose test
– Testosterone test
– Prolactin test
– Digital rectal exam
This can help give the doctor information about possible physical circumstances that may be contributing to the erectile dysfunction.
Other tests that may be administered include:
– IIEF Questionnaire. The International Index of Erectile Function uses answers to questions to determine erectile and orgasmic function, libido, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction.
– NPTS. The Nocturnal Penis Tumescence Study examines whether a man is having erections while he sleeps and, if so, how many. This can help a doctor if he knows that the man is capable of having erections (as demonstrated by the NPTS) but is not experiencing them in sexual situations.
– Penile Electromyogram. The smooth muscle of the penis is crucial for healthy erections, and this test helps measure the electrical activity on the smooth muscle.
– Psychological Examination. Often erectile function issues have psychological factors as at least a contributing factor. (In some instances, they may be the entire cause.) Depression, stress, or other issues can play a huge role in how the penis performs (or doesn’t perform).
– Neurologic Evaluations. There are a number of tests that can be used to assess whether neurological damage might be a component in the erectile dysfunction. These include the color Doppler ultrasound, which creates a picture of penile arteries; the pharmacologic cavernosometry and cavernosography test, which looks for leaking from penile veins; or the combined intracavernous injection and stimulation test, which utilizes penile injections to try to bring about an erection.
Information gathered from these tests can help pinpoint probable causes of erectile dysfunction and enable a doctor to better recommend appropriate treatment.
Tests can help diagnose erectile dysfunction, but men prefer to avoid its appearance in the first place. Staying in good overall health and maintaining proper penis health are goals to increase the likelihood of proper functioning, so regular application of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a good idea. Try to find an oil that contains L-arginine, an amino acid that plays an important role in causing the blood vessels to dilate, allowing for increased blood flow. The oil should also contain vitamin C, which also aids in necessary penile blood flow.